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Why Can't American Women Love Men? - MGTOW

Published on 12 Jan 2021 / In People & Blogs

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He has quite a bit to say so before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. Here's what Mr. Anonymous has to say: "Hey, Sandman! I'm the same Mr. Anonymous who sent in the questions that became the videos "Ice Queens" and "Myth of the Alpha Male". Misandry is the theme of my essay. Misandry (the hatred of men) is on the rise in the United States and the western world generally. Increasingly women hate men, and increasingly hating men is considered to be "okay". "Misandry is the new Jim Crow" is a line someone posted on the internet. You could make a case for that! According to "Men on Strike" by Dr. Helen Smith, because of feminist lobbying, EVERY LAW has been changed to favor women! Laws regarding dating, sexual harassment, marriage, divorce, rape, child custody, etc. , EVERY LAW has been changed to favor women! Some men refer to these laws as "Jane Crow" laws! There also seems to be a huge spike in misandry and it seems to be socially acceptable and supported by the mainstream media. I was talking to a chick the other night and she was saying things like, "the pendulum has swung--it's your turn to suffer!" She was referring to changes in male/female relationships. When I told her I was innocent because I had never been a male chauvinist, or a rapist or any of that stuff! She replied that I benefited from an invisible force called "male privilege", so I was I deserved to suffer whether I was innocent or not! I told her that 2 wrongs don't make a right! This is a typical sexist "I hate you because you're a male" attitude that seems to be so trendy today! This view seems to be supported by the lame-stream (socialist) media. For example an article entitled "Why Can't We Hate Men?" by Suzanna Walters appeared in the Washington Post a few years ago. If you don't believe me, google it and read it for yourself! "We have every right to hate you!" Walters writes. The article is filled with distorted half truths and generalizations. It's point of view is one of intolerance, prejudice, and discrimination. As far as I know, no one has protested this article or demanded equal time for a male rights article. This is current mainstream thought, this isn't some self-published zine created by some lesbian fringe group! This is the Washington Post! Obviously, I wouldn't be allowed to write an article in the Washington Post entitled "Why Can't We Hate Women?" It would be considered hate speech and banned. That's funny, I always thought men and women were supposed to love each other! Maybe a better article title would be, "Why Can't American women Love Men?" If you listen to the speeches at the "Women's March" or other feminist rallies, you'll never hear a word about loving men or caring about men, all you'll ever hear is misandry, whining, bellyaching, entitlement, etc. American women today don't love men or care about men! In the 1960's we had songs like "Stand by Your Man" by Tammy Wynette. While she knew that men weren't perfect, she sang about tolerance and understanding of men. Today's feminists know nothing but intolerance! Another example of this is "I Hate Men" by Pauline Harmage. This was a book that was popular in France and was republished in the United States a few months ago. She has a chapter entitled, "mediocre as a white dude"! Could there be a more clear example of racism and sexism? In another section she states that men are "violent, lazy, selfish, and cowardly".

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

this video is treating TPTB as if they are immature and unthinking..........nothing could be further from the truth............ the ' PEOPLE' have created the very govt that is going to destroy them.......... you cannot have a more perfect enemy than yourself........... game over.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

MEN , just ignore females..............they are a loud mouthed distraction not worth your time............. rome is burning and your attention is being distracted.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

the big picture is not MEN, its the installation of a communist controlled global elitist govt......... females are being installed as high ranking politicians world over.,,,,,, because females are basically communist at heart, emotional driven and will do anything for false attention........... FEMALES will be toppled all at once and without any fight.......... without a full blown retaliation by MEN.... now....... it will be too late as the west is completely overrun and freedom will disapear for the second dark ages.... i fear its too late already.

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Sir_666 4 years ago

To Sandman & All Guys reading, the Next Time a Woman accuses you of the " Male Privilege " Absurdity, ask the Woman what Privilege is Exclusively For Men that is Not offered to Women in today's Society.

(( Expect crickets. )) Because there are No Privileges Exclusively For Men that are Not offered to Women in our Modern-day Society.

Unless of Course, things like Conscription for Men (( " to be Drafted for War and possibly killed )) is suddenly considered a Privilege. I'd like to see how Many Women would line up for that Privilege. LOL !!! :D

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Greyghost 4 years ago

Don't worry about misandry fellas. With the full communist take over of the United States the use of the various "isms" will no longer be necessary. As the money runs out efficiency will become king. Look at all current communist and former communist countries and women are not held up as goddesses as they are in the west. The funny thing is where is the market for all of this wealth going to come from. China had the US and the west. The US has will have no rich capitalist world to exploit.

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