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Publicado en 20 May 2021 / En Cómo hacer y estilo

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mrghoster 4 años hace

HER face was a picture, I could almost think it is finally sinking in! lol! You need a Male Officer as backup because you cant do this job on ya own, and he needs you for a BJ in the cruiser when it's quiet out their! lol! Stop trying to arrest or harass me and make me a fucking SANDWICH, light on the pickles and no Dildo's (sorry) DILL's! God her face is priceless!

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sardonicsmile 4 años hace

There needs to be more of this. Especially of the white knight cop who comes to defend her.

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mrghoster 4 años hace

I seem to have found a new part of my Psyche that actually automatically makes me talk to fefails this way anyway's ! lol! It's as pleassurable as passing a hoe by that has broke down at the road side ( Her Car not the Hoe) you understand.? I love to see their faces when you slow up and as I drive on they see the smile ans wave I give them! lol! After all if the CUNT's cant have learned to change out a wheel in 50 years what fucking hope is there for humanity on the fefail side at least? fuckem' I#'m not putting myself out for them when insults are your only thanks in many cases? I have my resaon's for thinking and doing shit this way, but that's another story or three!

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tzam 4 años hace

Man has got balls the size of coconuts... all hail

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 años hace

i was thinking cannnon balls i am sure she cannot tell the difference between a spatula and a .45.

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Mr_Sluggo 4 años hace

This was the best moment of Truth Telling ive ever witnessed.

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sauger1001 4 años hace

Stand up to gynocentrism, and watch these male wannabes REEEE! (TFM)

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