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97 Bekeken
gepubliceerd op 07 May 2023 / In Film & Animatie

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 2 jaar geleden  

The kid is a fucking idiot.....
"Oh I just made it around the corner at 100 Kmh, I think I can go round it again at 200 Kmh.
Lets go!"
OD ===> Dead ===> Bye Bye.

Child - have you no fucking brains?

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Straven 2 jaar geleden

Hope he doesn't succeed in breeding, we've far to gdm many dumbasses like this running around popping out kids just like them.

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@Straven: Sing along with Gusto. Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick (live in London 1977)

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@Straven: [Verse 1 Reprise] And your wise men don't know how it feels [Refrain] To be thick as a brick

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tekrat 2 jaar geleden

Children are the future...

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Councilof1 2 jaar geleden

I don't recommend doing drugs however you would think they would keep dose's of naloxone/narcan handy. In my area they hand them out on the street. Fentanyl is really out of control around here. Last summer in one week I saw eight overdose's. Glad I only experimented with mind bending substances not the kill you substances.

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TelepathicRapist 2 jaar geleden

same thing around my way. its out of control. They even have signs on the highway showing the count of overdose deaths for the year and another line showing the number of narcan saves

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Yeah I am not very familiar with Fentanyl - aside from it's cheap and it's very potent and a lot of people OD on it, because the amounts needed to OD are so small in the first place. That is about the limit to my knowledge on it. But it was interesting to see, how quickly it kicked in from a smoked dose and I don't know how the reaction to an "opiate" type drug is, like Fentanyle - aside from most heroin addicts spend a lot of time vomiting after their hits. Whether this was a par for the course reaction or whether it was well on the way to dropping and unconsciousness and death.... it's hard to say. But I meet a lot of OLD junkies in NA who have kids doing Fentanyle and they are shit frightened of them dying.....

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sauger1001 2 jaar geleden

After surviving a "Bungle In The Jungle" with Fen, he's still "Thick As A Brick" (Jethro Tull). Been there myself (not Fen, but Coke), and still survived, by HIS grace.

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