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My Wife Is Jealous Of My Love Doll - MGTOW

Published on 03 Dec 2019 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mike the trucker and his brother on the roads trucking somewhere on the roads of America. With no topic shared with me I'd like to spend some time discussing a video that Undead Chronic posted a while back called "AFTER LIMITING SEX, WIFE GETS JEALOUS OF HUSBAND'S LOVE DOLL!" which I've put a link to in the description. His content is worth checking out so subscribe to his bitchute account. He found an interesting post on the relationship subreddit called: "My husband just bought a really expensive sex doll and it's really getting to me" Ironically the post is locked and it looks like the woman posting it was pissed off because she probably wasn't getting all the simp sympathy that she wanted. If you do a search for the title of her post in Google you'll come across that subreddit. She said this and I quote: "I've been married to my husband for 7 years now. I'm a 29 year old female and he's 32. For a few months to a year now I've been saying no to sex a lot. I've just not been in the mood but his libido has been at the same levels that it's been since we were college kids. Some days when I'm in bed tired he
starts touching me, trying to get me primed for sex. Most times I'm not in the mood, but some times I cave in to his begging. I felt as his wive it was my duty. But I never enjoyed any of those sex sessions. So I made my feelings known to him. At first he seemed really down but he said he respected my decision. He stopped asking me for sex after that. Even when he asked, after I said no he would just roll over and go to bed. After a month or two, he suddenly came home with a sex doll. It was a really expensive one, with huge boobs and a round ass with very human like skin. When I confronted him about it he said he had sexual needs and since I couldn't satisfy them he had to find a way to satisfy himself without cheating. When he said that I felt like I couldn't say anything back. It made me feel really insecure and I suddenly felt awful. I can't tell him to get rid of it because it'll make me look really selfish. I also can't complain about how expensive it was because we're pretty well off. I noticed one night that I was in the mood but he told me he was tired. He had had a few rounds with the sex doll before I got home and was pooped out. I don't know what to do at this point, but I knew I feel awful. Well mystery lady whoever you are thanks for your very juicy comments. Also thank you Undead Cronic for sharing this hilarious post. Didn't just want to listen to Undead Chronics video and re-iterate his points so I didn't listen to his video until I finished scripting mine. That way hopefully what we both say doesn't overlap too much. But before I make my own points let me tell you about todays sponsor The MGTOWs guide to retiring on 200k in southeast Asia:

9 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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JonnK 3 years ago

At first my wife didn't like my sex dolls either, no matter how much I tried to convince her, she wanted to get rid of my realistic sex dolls with big breasts, and she always didn't satisfy my sexual desire, and she didn't want anal and oral sex, which distressed me. Thanks to this sex doll I found joy in my life. Finally I bought a man doll for my wife again from this site https://www.sexdolltech.com/ where I bought the doll and our marriage can continue now.

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das187 5 years ago

Love your take thanks man

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

MEN need to be a scarcity to effect a change in female attitude.......

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

if the wife EVER refuses you SEX, she has lost all respect for you........... you can NEVER regain it.....move on.

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