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The Only Way To Win Is Not To Play Her Game - MGTOW

Published on 08 Oct 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, Here's another topic for you. It's mostly about women and their lack of responsibility and double standards. Lately I've come to notice the lack of responsibility that women have or are refusing to take responsibility for getting pregnant with regards to the growing rate of abortions in 1st world westernized countries. While am all for abortion if a woman has been through the R word, or can't survive child birth. I can't see myself encouraging or supporting a woman to get an abortion due to her lack of responsibilities to wrap it up. Another example of what I'm talking about are those ridiculous consent laws. They've gotten so insane that in New York every time a man thrust she has to say yes in order for it to not be the r word. Somehow their intoxications absolves them of all sin of adultery and lust. Another example is a woman cheated on her husband with another man and she was able to avoid getting screwed in the divorce by claiming that she was not able to consent and the husband was shamed for not supporting his wife being a victim. I say good luck to the man if he was in her shoes. Which is why say they have a lot of double standards. A husband to never use I was drunk To avoid a divorce from cheating, or how they're told to smile when men get told to cheer up or buck up. If women
continue to increase the number of these double standards then MGTOW Will become the new religion for all men that are smart and women Will become obsolete." Well Teaven thanks for another donation and topic. When I heard your topic I've heard this same thing so many times before. I started to feel sick to my stomach and think that all guys need to realise that the only way to win with women is not to play their games. We wouldn't have to deal with the issues of women getting abortions if we didn't have unprotected sex. I guess I'll play devil's advocate but I've always wrapped it up and so should every guy even when she insists that you don't have to. If guys want to put the abortion doctors out of business then always use a condom. If you're sick and tired of women cheating on you then don't get into relationships. You can't be shamed into supporting your wife that cheated on you but claims she was struggle snuggled. Anyways, I'm pissed off guys just aren't doing more to avoid playing women's games. I'll get to more of my thoughts in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW's Guide to retiring on 200k in southeast Asia:
Anyways, now back to the show. Teaven MGTOW will not become a religion. But it certainly will become a survival strategy. You've probably recently heard of that guy in Toronto that was never married to or living with a woman and was still on the hook for lifetime alimony which was later reduced to only ten years of alimony. You know guys are paying attention to this and realise that after 3 years you're considered married to a woman in Ontario, Canada even if you don't live with her. How many guys will play the relationship game and break up with women right at the three year mark. For all the people out there saying it's some sort of depopulation agenda just be aware that this happened to a Jewish man. Guys are looking for anyone or anything else to blame besides women themselves. Another way that guys are losing the game with women is on OnlyFans. I want to draw your attention to this post. According to it Onlyfans is now the number one career choice for young women. Looks like for women that even being a YouTuber or Instagram Influencer requires too much work. Just take some nude selfies and videos and put them behind a paywall and wait for the simp bucks to show up. If you're a simp and you want to win then don't send her any money. That means she loses and you win.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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MAC88 4 years ago

People criticize the Jewish people all day everyday. Are you seriously implying that you can’t criticize Jewish people. It’s because most are literally expressing hate towards people who are Jewish because they are simply Jewish.

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Menwalkaway 4 years ago

Feminism set men free, It is No longer a mans Required Duty to sacrifice their lives to Help women, Support women Nor Protect women.
Besides you Never stand by men and boys when the chips are down ....

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

Okay, but when are you gonna be a guest on RGE's stream? You two could discuss current year entertainment from a MGTOW perspective.

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Bacheloro 4 years ago

Go for it, it seemed to work for Coach Red Pill, Sargon and Black Pigeon with their alternative/replacement channels, just keep old one and recommend new one

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

Sargon was instantly demonetized.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

you-tube WILL keep getting more restrictive and punitive .... its time to wean yourself off, ALL content creators.

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