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I'm Her Backup Plan LOL - MGTOW

Published on 18 Nov 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

A female "friend" starting to try and cash in her chips with me

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Peter. He didn't give me a topic so what I'd like to do is discuss a post I found on Reddit called: "A female "friend" starting to try and cash in her chips with me" by a guy named Danny and here's what he has to say and I quote: "I've known this girl for a really long time and made my move in the very beginning but got denied. She kept telling me that I am like a brother to her and all the typical stuff. Well, we stayed in touch and hung out every once in a while. We had some mutual friends so I very contently "orbited" still wanting to hook up at the back of my mind for a while until she started hitting the wall. Her personality isn't that bad, and she WAS attractive enough, but has a shit job, knows I have a really good one, and like a typical woman tried to hold out past her prime for the best deal. Well, up until recently whenever she called, it would be for some kind of advice. The last few years I don't think we even met in person one time, and she would never invite me out when she was with her female friends (who I might have snatched up) But now, she's calling me once a week just to chat. She making genuine plans to catch up socially and her Instagram profile is becoming a lot more "raunchy". I'm not sure how this will play out, because I'm way past having any interest in a relationship with her and would probably even avoid a bang to save myself the post sex drama that would inevitably come, so I guess I look forward to telling her what a great SISTER she is to me if she ever makes some sort of move or suggests anything." unquote. So with that out of the way thanks Peter for the donation and thank you Danny for posting such a wonderful story on Reddit. If by some crazy chance you're listening my advice is to not tell her that she's like a sister to you. Just ignore her politely so that she makes sure that you're not interested. Don't rub it in her face that after saddling down the cock carousel she's grown a pair of saddle bags and you're not attracted anymore because she's a retired whore. Women hate things like that rubbed in their face along with other things if you know what I mean. Before I discuss this more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways now back to the retired whore relying on Danny as her backup plan. Women keep men in the friend zone as orbiters all the time and I think there's a deep ceded part of male evolution that understands that there is a slight chance that she might not get the man she wants and your cock will be the consolation prize. The first time this sort of thing happened to me I saw zero interest from one woman and suddenly a number of years later there once she saw potential in my life path. I had stupidly told her I was Sandman. I was aware of how female nature worked at that point and I knew what was going on but I was no longer attracted to her because in only a few short years her looks went down. A life of partying had taken it's toll. Before that years ago I knew a woman that kept a guy as her backup plan and they dated very briefly and then five to ten years later after she rode the carousel she came back to him. He was overweight guy working in the textile industry with family wealth that had numerous business around Chicago making textiles.

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TheWealthy1 4 years ago

That Latvian chick is 9/10. Perfect for AR / VR fun.

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Alucard1776 4 years ago

When she does that, my advice RUN

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Duugus 4 years ago

She's ok. Baby face that will get kinda stony in a few years.

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MAC88 4 years ago

Very beautiful and classy girl. Ugh it’s never worth the time wasted unless ur just having a fling.

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spyderbyte 4 years ago

Hey sandman, she is cute as fuck, i agree. Good pick.

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