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This woman should be beaten to death for being so fucking stupid.

Published on 06 Apr 2024 / In Film & Animation

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This STUPID Fucking Woman...

This woman should be beaten to death for being so fucking stupid.


People die because of BRAINLESS CUNTS like her....

Rear Ended in Broad Daylight.


Night Surprise Car Crashes compilation - this is really frightening - why I drive home at 60 Kmh in kangaroo territory.


CAUGHT ON CAMERA Multi-Car Freeway Wreck -RAW FOOTAGE- Los Angeles


Major Car Crash Pile Up on The 405 Freeway -watch in HD-


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ArgonRaysabre 11 months ago

Death is too lenient a punishment if you ask me.

You know what? Scratch that; you're right. It does nothing to bolster the progression of the human race by allowing the proliferation of abjectly stupid people.


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You wonder why I take this stupid bitch so badly - you should meet my mother... This level of crazy making insanity - is her daily drive normal.

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ArgonRaysabre 11 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I'm not gonna bullshit you, champ, but I was hoping she got body-bagged by a Peterbilt.

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The guys are freaking out telling her to get off the road - she is going to cause a crash, while the cars and trucks are wizzing by her - and the stupid fuck is just staring back blankly "What?" - a TOTAL disconnect from reality... I will shut up lest I slide into psychosis.

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@ArgonRaysabre: Your not the only one...

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@ArgonRaysabre: AND that stupid fucking white knight 100 yards up the road, dressed all in black (enough) , waving to the oncoming traffic..... He basically cannot be seen until he is about to come through the grill of the truck or the windscreen of the car..... "You fucking moron - she is not worth getting yourself killed over".... Drives me insane.......

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clivemcd 11 months ago

So she phoned someone while in the car. Bet it was the police. "Hello officer, some guys are trying to rape me while I'm stranded with my car"

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Let her fucking die.

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Mr_Sluggo 11 months ago

Damn....I was so hoping she would get hit by a Mack Truck.

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Watching her sitting there...... My idiot switch just popped....

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Knowin gjust how fucking dangerous a situation it is that SHE has created... I can't cope with the stupid....

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And your not the only one that was thinking she deserved to die when a BIG truck crushed her and turned her into pulp.... God fuck - I can't deal with her level of STUPID.... https://www.thepubliceditor.co....m/wp-content/uploads

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ArgonRaysabre 11 months ago

Me too.

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Longshanks 11 months ago

What are the other dumb mother fuckers doing in the lanes flashing speeding cars going by and standing in the lanes flailing their subhuman arms around like that? Everyone on that highway should have been publicly beaten with canes.

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I can't cope with the sheer level of stupid.... ONCE upon a time I accidently dropped my wallet, with my ID and my money and my bank card and my train ticket home, off the overpass, and into the big grassy traffic island, between 4 rows of freeway traffic..... I was 400 K away from home in the big city and I had to get to the big city train station soon, to get the only connecting service out for the next two or three days... I had to get my wallet... The road crews / free way rescue were cunts and would charge me heaps to turn up in an hour or something etc.... It was fucked... so I had to get to the end of the overpass, coem down the embankment and cross 4 or 5 lanes of moderately heavy going home time traffic...... by taking a few steps across each lane, one lane at a time, every time there was enough of a gap in the speeding traffic, to get across to the next white line.... It was very disconcerting... even in broad day light... people could have been drunk, stoned / deciding to change lanes while behind a truck etc... Cars racing past at a foot or two behind me and in front of me... Powerful lessons that... I never did it again... and there are so many people who get into crashes with DARK coloured stationary objects in the middle of the road, while speeding along...... Part of the many good reasons - drag her out and beat her badly for endangering everyone elses lives, and drive / push the car off the road..... Hysterically angry - because the dumb fuck, just assuming that her car conked out... she should have driven it to the EDGE of the freeway and off the road... That is committing murder by gross stupidity - and she looked totally out of it on prescription drugs.....

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@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I had a mind fuckhead game playing cunt of a borderline psychotic mother who played these kinds of head games all the time... Non of this, "Hey lady did you know it's really dangerous to park here?" type shit... Go to her drivers window, tell her to wind it down - if she fucks around by even a second smash it - can you get this car off the road - right now? Then grab the bitch by the head and drag her our and drive / push the car off the road, with the hazard lights running....

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Longshanks 11 months ago

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: I like that style. Too many people have the "if it's not affecting me what do I care?" going on. Then again such individuals do live in alternate realities unique to their preferences and fantasies. Here we have a cunt just enjoying a gloriously successful extraction of much lush from the scene. By the gods

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@Longshanks: I can't reconcile the fracturing of reality - between this womans stupdity and the danger she presents to everyone else....

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