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She's Not Your Girl . . . It's Just Your Turn - MGTOW

323 vistas
Publicado en 02 Jun 2020 / En Personas y blogs

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Men and Women Battlefields: Marriage, Family, and Other Failures

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mark and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, a small donation for you, good job, keep up your good work. A subject matter to think about, (sadly in light of that mass shooting in Canada, that began with an ex-wife and her new boyfriend being shot, then many more) My former boss was killed by a jealous ex. Once I dated a woman, I was unaware that she was being stalked by her ex, until she told me, he called her and described 'me', then went on to ask her 'why didnt you ever wear that dress for me when we dated' turns out, he is a cop. . Just what I dont need, a nut case with a badge and a gun stalking me. Seems, some women like being chased, pursued, not caring about consequences. After this Worldwide lock down ends, expect a lot of breakups, and a lot of 'new' 'old' women on the market. . with unknown 'baggage'. Yet another reason guys, to steer clear of women. Remember "she's not yours, its just your turn". . ." Well Mark thanks for the donation and topic. Just so that everyone knows what happened in Canada a while back there was a shooter dressed up as a cop with a home made squad car that looked legit driving around the province of Nova Scotia killing 17 people and burning the houses they were in down after doing the deed. He started with his ex and her new boyfriend. He was obviously a jealous lover and pissed off because he was a dentist and she probably took him to the cleaners. I'm not condoning what he did but if she ruined his life financially then that's obviously a motive. As we all know guys can't blame their wives for cheating on them. They quite often take their rage out on their new lovers. Guys that aren't even aware of it Mark. Guys such as yourself. Women can obviously move on a lot quicker after a relationship. Many guys can't. I've never been the jealous type but I've run into jealous guys in high school that were pissed off with me dating a girl that they too were interested in. Conflict between men can always be averted if guys would just remember "She's Not Your Girl, It's Just Your Turn." Unfortunately human's are for the most part jealous creatures and covet what others want instead of accepting that there are other men or women out there for dating. I'll discuss this more in a sec but let me first tell everyone about
today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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Councilof1 5 años hace

Men prey on the world and women prey on men.

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libertyanyday 5 años hace

men build things to withstand mother nature, females MUST manipulate MEN to get THEM to build things to withstand mother nature.........thats BIOLOGY , mother nature is the designer.

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Mgtow Smurf
Mgtow Smurf 5 años hace

Great Mystery Link LOL.

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Mgtow Smurf
Mgtow Smurf 5 años hace

@MrA_H0Ie: yes couldd be a satire video, but what she said about plucking chickens made me laugh so wtf.

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