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Japan Is Becoming The MGTOW Country

Published on 13 Dec 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Japan Is Becoming The MGTOW Country

Why Japanese Men Are Choosing The Single Life

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from MGTOW Smurf. He didn't send me a topic with his donation so what I'd like to do is cover a reddit post with the same title as this video. Which I've also put a link to in the description. I've pretty much spoken about herbivore men in Japan since 2013. The person starting the reddit post shared this quote and I quote: "The main reason they have for staying single is wanting to use their money on themselves. There is a common perception that for men, marriage means having their freedom to use money restricted. This is in direct opposition to women listing ‘financial security’ as one of the benefits of getting married.” unquote. Of course this idea that men are better off financially and with regards to health is something that Prager University Queefed out a while back. Meanwhile unmarried monks live longer then married men. The idea of course is to promote that men should be utilities for women because it obviously has to do with family formation and traditionalism. It's not about caring for men's well being. It's about tricking men out of their independence to propagate the species. I also put another link in the description to an article titled "Why Japanese Men Are Choosing The Single Life" which I will also cover in just a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the video. Up until the 1980s almost everyone in Japan got married. But by 2035 the government is predicting that one third of men will be unmarried for life. The Japanese government says that by age fifty if you're not married then you'll be single for the rest of your life as the odds go down to virtually zero. Even in the west once you hit forty your chances of marriage if you're a man drop to under ten percent. The article says the herbivores are thriving and many are financially secure as opposed to being depressed about their singledom. For Japanese women financial security is partially about marriage. The economy in Japan is shrinking along with the population and Japan is not becoming a MGTOW country. It's been one for the last fifteen to twenty years. It's just taking the rest of the world time to catch up. In Japan good white collar jobs, the kinds that are required for men to get so they can earn enough money to raise a family are scarce. People over there are saying that herbivore men are choosing to opt out of society and do their own thing. Is that really the case or a Japanese women just getting ever more picky and rejecting men that don't make enough money to support a family? The blame seems to be on men detaching themselves from Japanese society. But maybe it's the other way around? Maybe society detached from them because they saw them as unemployed bums and want nothing to do with them? What if many if not most of the herbivore men are not single due to choosing not to work themselves to death like their fathers did for a tyrant of a wife that runs their lives? What if women aren't giving them the time of day? What if they are really incels pretending to go their own way? I'm sure there are some guys like that but there are also guys like 36-year-old Riku Inamoto. He is what used to be called a confirmed bachelor. For him, time is a big factor. “I have two things in my life that take up all my time: my work and my hobbies,” he says. “I can’t stop work, so if I get married, I will lose my hobbies, which means I will have no fun. That would be a terrible life. “I like having my own time and space, being able to make my own decisions, eat what I want, go where I want.

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Doug36529 4 years ago

@charliebrownau Have you had any proof?

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charliebrownau 4 years ago

Japan signed Agenda 21 in 1991 along with 170 nations including AU+NZ+UK+CA+USA

Japan went along with the Global Plandemic and hoax

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charliebrownau 4 years ago

Japan has the same issue as every other race and country

- Group Rights
- Pussy pass
- Duthal Model

- Feminism
- Equality
- Female leg over
- Female 'rights'

- Refusal to hold women accountable
- Refusal to hold women to the SAME standard as males
- Refusal to give up on tradational benfits / system for wamans

On top you have

Central Bank
Push for cashless
Zionist Control
Balless people unwilling to kick out Blacks, Jews, Chinese and Muslims

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MoonBase 4 years ago

Duluth* Model

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JustinPeanuts 4 years ago

The life of a Japanese salaryman is very hard. Young Japanese men are just opting out of such a life as they have seen it destroy their fathers.

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