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Who Cares About Bella Thorne? - MGTOW

Published on 19 Sep 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mark Starr and here's what he has to say: "Hello again Sandman, It seems to me that everyone is missing the real story of the Bella Thorne case. Yes, Bella Thorne got $1 Million in 24 hours from guys who anteed up $20 each to subscribe to her OnlyFans and yes, she got a second million 24 hours later from dudes paying $200 each to cue up for her promised nude content (while paying 3.99 each to read the message that this was even a possibility) and everyone was talking about that. What I hear no one talking about is what I believe the REAL STORY IS; and that is female nature on display. Bella Thorne was 5 days away from cashing a $2 Million paycheck, and all she had to do was spend 5 minutes snapping cell phone pictures of her mine shaft, and like so many women, she could not be bothered to do even that, because once you give a woman something, she doesn't want to make good on her side of the deal. Most women love to brag about how much something they can get for nothing. They are emboldened by the society allowing them to get away scott free with most wrongs without punishment. Even here, people are shaming the simps for ponying up $2million for pictures that could not be much better than what you can find on Google search (which is why they were willing to pay $2Million, they expected the premium content to include gynecological exam shots. Hoes mad because OnlyFans has reorganized its entire business model in response to this - although they dare not even admit that it is in response to this, so as to not blame Bella Thorne. See, woman getting away without being held responsible. OnlyFans is only one place where women have got to tell dudes "Give me $5 and see what it gets you" only to take the money and run, saying in response to later questioning, "I never promised anything" Well Mark Thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to more of my thoughts about Bella as this is the second video I've done covering this topic. But first let me tell you about today's sponsor Executive Clearance Electrolysis:
Anyways, now back to clown world. Mark thanks for some new insight on this now old story. It's obvious that OnlyFans changed their policies because of her but they said it wasn't because of her. Obviously they didn't blame her because they were probably worried that their user base of Thots would criticize and attack her online and that might lead to her throwing a lawsuit at them. I never even saw it as Onlyfans not blaming Thora because of alterior motives. Thanks for pointing that out. As for this video I almost called it Who Cares About Thora Birch instead of Bella Thorn. In the last video I called Belle Delphine, Bella Delphine. That's how forgetable these women's names are. Either that or I'm dyslexic and think that Thora Birch or Bella Thorne sound the same. Most of you probably have no idea who Thor Birch is. She was the girl in the film American Beauty back from 1999. She was cute back then but today she's as good looking as the high school secretary from Ferris Buellers Day off.

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Nobody_Nobody2 5 years ago

how in gods green earth she is the owner of a drug company????

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wroger_wroger 5 years ago

LOL - she is not only a shit head, but she is a retarded shit head. The second 10 million cunts on the internet, looks pretty much like the the first 10 million cunts on the internet.

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Hammerhead69 5 years ago

Who? Odd that a whore gets weak assed simps to pony up for whore nothing.

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

p-sleeve is just about all the same, its the wrapping these simps pay for........ sad.

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