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Is Feminism Population Control? - MGTOW

Published on 10 Jul 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hey sandman, I always been curious about feminism and how it really all originated. To keep this short, I always have a good suspicion that feminism was somehow created by design from the elites to achieve their goal of population control. However, I could not seem to find any evidence anywhere in the internet that supports that theory, but again we live in the era where censorship has gone amok and most things we read online are basically the ones that "powers that be" want us to see/read and censors the news or people that they do not want us to see or read, especially when it comes to about women in general. It irks me that I keep hearing stories about how some of the well known MGTOW channels and news outlets that gets taken down, demonetized or heavily criticized because some girl complained to the "arm of the elite" (meaning news media anchors and the politicians) and basically does what they want so that more men like us do not have very good information about women and that elite's goal of reducing world population is still on track. Anyhow, that is just what I been thinking about a lot recently and wanted to see what you think about that. Please do keep my name anonymous so that we can protect ourselves from the corrupt powers that be that might censor us that dares calling them out. KEEP UP the great work and look forward to see your video response to this on Youtube. Cheers!" Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. I don't believe that feminism is the main cause of population reduction as it was already on the decline once we had industrialization and dense cities. Once people didn't need to have four or five children to help out on the family farm and they moved to a city for work children became a liability instead of an asset. Blaming feminism alone for that outcome is not accurate. I'll discuss this and more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. Feminism was around during the time of the suffragettes. That's what's considered first wave feminism. But it was around even before then with regards to women in Ohio in the 1850s and 1860s destroying brothels, bars and breaking barrels of bear with their fat foopas. It was also in the middle ages in England when the women petitioned the king to ban coffee shops to stop men from gathering. Those were movements about empowering women by suppressing male power. I put a link in the video to one of my earliest videos called: "Destroying Male Spaces" that discusses this at more length. If feminism was created by the elites it was created by elite women. The women that were the earliest on that train of female empowerment were already empowered themselves. They were daughters of aristocrats and industrialists. They convinced other women of lower status that if they too wanted higher status they needed to be empowered too by rising up against so called male injustice. Many such women weren't involved in the business of day to day living and had servants. Usually female ones. Many such women weren't involved in milking cows, cooking food and sewing clothes. It was all that surplus wealth in the 19th century that was responsible for feminism rising up in the west.

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wildcat4mation 5 years ago

Well let's see. If feminists like abortions and more men stop dating them out of fear of losing their financial life, it would lead to less procreation and soon the extinction of the entire human race. I am thinking endangered species is what we are heading for. We will not be taken out by a comet, starvation, or virus; it will be our own that takes us out. O_O

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RoboCat 5 years ago

Been hearing that for decades and despite hundreds of different sources/authors, I've never seen a good argument to justify such a claim. I despise leftism, especially feminism, but feminism is NOT "population control", that is simply incidental and comes as a result of leftism in general.
E.g. 'feminism' is the result of many women individually choosing to do fucked up things, it functions bottom up not top down.
An example of actual population control would be the One-Child Policy of China or the grand-scale massacres of Socialist Russia under both Lenin but especially Stalin.

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UnwillingVillian 5 years ago

It's not population control, it's intelligence control. A society of intellectual free thinking people are going to be difficult for the elites to control. That's where feminism, and for that matter, MGTOW come in. These factors cause the birthrate of thinking people to crash while the population of two legged cattle continue to grow. Eventually, the thinking people just die out & are replaced by sheeple who the elites can control much more easily. It looks like their plan is working.

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Elias1991 5 years ago

Your videos are getting deeper and I like it.

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