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Drew Barrymore Got Dumped LOL - MGTOW

Published on 18 Jan 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Drew Barrymore Says She Was Stood Up on a Date After Using a Celebrity Dating App

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations. It's brought to you by Bitcoin the crypto currency that will allow me to fund my lover bot in 2022 if all goes according to plan. If you want to suggest a topic you do so with a donation to the Paypal address in the description. As for this video I recently found an article called: "Drew Barrymore Says She Was Stood Up on a Date After Using a Celebrity Dating App". She says there are high-powered men on that app but that she's too humble to try and date any of those and she never has. Yeah right. She probably knows she's at least ten to fifteen years too old and has two children too many to land one of them. So she went for someone she thought had sexual marketplace value near hers and apparently was rejected and stood up by them. Too bad we'll never know who that mystery man is. When she mentioned comedy writer for some reason I thought about Seth McFarlene. That he told her yes to a date and then didn't show up as a practical joke. So by calling him a comedy writer it's an insult because he's so much more than that. If that's the case then unfortunately for her he doesn't want to wear a tiny jimmy hat on his head and take her to bed. Ouch! I guess she'll have to go and get ET to poke her cooch with his glowing finger. This situation also makes you see how Hollywood stars are snobs because they need their own famous people dating app. Wouldn't it make the ultimate dating reality TV show where celebrities would date ordinary people off of an app like Tinder or Bumble? Tinder and Bumble could sponsor it and they would score by growing the number of man and woman whores looking to score with a celebrity tonight. Now that's something all of us would want to see. Imagine Drew Barrymore taking the date back to her mansion. Hell even celebrities dating each other would be great. Ironically Drew stood up for gay marriage and yet it sounds to me like she's having a hard time finding a suitable straight man to marry or even date. Maybe her and Charlize Theron can go on a date with each other. They would make the perfect blended family and now that gay or lesbian marriage is a reality they can make all their dreams come true together. I also stand corrected from a previous video I made about Charlize Theron because I said that Drew Barrymore came across as very genuine and that I would much rather date her than Theron. They complained about the coof keeping them appart on the The Drew Barrymore Show. In the end if she's lucky she'll probably end up with Drew Carrey. They would make a chubby cute couple together. Before I discuss more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission:

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FeWolf 4 years ago

age bomb has been released, and she took a direct hit.

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nexus1961 4 years ago

A rich bitch lost her fucktoy, and we're supposed to care, exactly why?
Still would fuck Lucy Liu, though.

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BigBrianUK 4 years ago

Sandman, Seth McFarlane is gay!

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Darth__KEK 4 years ago

She got fat.

Not "Kirstie Alley fat" but Drew has 25 years to catch her up.

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WMHarrison94 4 years ago

But Sandman, getting rushed out the doorlike acheap whore is part of fun or baked into that ex erience!! Have you not seen Disney´s Three Musketeers with Sheen, Plat, and Sutherland?

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