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In 2020 Chad is Not Enough - MGTOW

Published on 12 Oct 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Robert. He didn't give me a specific topic so I thought I'd cover another post from the MGTOW reddit. I'll get to my thoughts about Will Smith as advertised by the thumbnail on this video a bit later. But first let me discuss the post called: "In 2020 chad is not even enough... MGTOW is for all kinds of guys" and the person starting that thread his name is Alone Independence 95 and here's what he has to say: "Please note that this is not meant as a brag post. I'm 6 foot 9, bulked up to an NBA player physique and I am blonde with blue eyes. I often get stares on the street, and it's not only for my height as guys don't stare as much as girls. However my problem is I am a Christian and want to be a nice person and find a good wife. I had so many women that just wanted my looks when I was younger, that just wanted my body and nothing came of it. I'm not even a simp, just a normal guy who doesn't want to resort to PUA games and dark triad personality traits. When I was young and naive and gave all my love, I got destroyed. I got left by girlfriends the moment I was injured/sick, or was struggling financially. Or they just got bored as I was not a drug addicted party animal. So the first problem is they have ridiculous standards (5"3 ugly jobless girls think they are above my level as 6"9' guy with a good education, job, family). But EVEN if you physically meet those standards, these modern women are so brainwashed and broken that they will find some reason to destroy the relationship. Especially if you are a "good" man you are boring, no matter your looks. The second problem is that girls are becoming increasingly undateable. Their personalities are so bad, they have no interests or hobbies, nor morals. Even the women in church are banging around with losers. Some days I truly give up hope on humanity and believe we are in the end days. All they think about is dick or resources. They don't even know what clown world is if you show them memes, because they are the main circus act. So to all those people that think MGTOW is only for ugly fat losers, go F yourself. MGTOW is the only rational place left for actual good men. No I am not gonna learn PUA tactics to get worldly women to stick around for a few more bangs. No I am not going to be a beta bucks. If you are so blind you don't see the point MGTOW men are making you are beyond saving." unquote. So with that out of the way thanks again Robert for the donation and thank you 6 foot nine Chad for confirming what we all know which is that women have become increasingly undatable with out of this world standards when it comes to not only looks but personality, financial success and just about everything else. I'll get to my thoughts about this in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the clown world show where thots don't know they are the main event. First of all of course women know the points MGTOW men are making. They know they are valid and that's why they want to stop us. We are reducing their value in the sexual marketplace. The very idea that Chad is not enough in 2020 should be obviously clear with what happened to Will Smith where his wife Jada Pinkett damaged the relationship while taking a break from him a few years ago by technically cheating and calling it something else. Just as you said Chad women are getting bored and in his case it happend after decades of marriage. You also make a great point that any and all incels out there need to understand and that's if you do become attractive enough crack open a cooch it won't be for long once she realises your well developed body and face don't match with your socially underdeveloped mind. The sexual marketplace is being skewed more and more by the day.

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1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

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Toki 4 years ago

Jada is a male. Will is a pathetic male.

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TheWealthy1 4 years ago

I almost ended up as the Beta Bux Deluxe provider for a low quality woman. So glad I discovered MGTOW.

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ExperimentalGroup 4 years ago

Dude is looking for something that doesn’t exist. Firstly, there are no good women. The environment grows entitled monkey branchers with huge body counts. Understand that first and don’t forget it.
Secondly, they respond

to dark triad personalities because majority are sociopaths and almost all are narcissists. Thirdly, they don’t stay. They leave when you are sick and vulnerable. That way it makes the most impact and damage. It’s my belief that they do this intentionally

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