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Indecisive Women - MGTOW

Published on 25 Apr 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Man offers $25,000 to anyone who can find him a girlfriend

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Ms. Anonymous and here's what she has to say: "Hi Sandman, My man really enjoys listening to your Chanel. You helped him a lot during his early divorce years. If it weren't for your help in the "grieving" process he probably wouldn't be alive today. So thank you. I sent you some coins and some topic ideas including if you are unmarried in Denmark at the age of 25 you are shamed by having cinnamon thron all over you on your birthday. The second potential topic is Rush Limbaugh telling the ladies that you want a happy marriage, then do whatever your husband tells you without question his authority. Or the third one is a quote from Arthur Schopenhauer where he says that directly after copulation the devil's laughter is heard. Also maybe focus on the overall idea that men and women are pressured by society to get married. A good woman is only good if she gets married and obey the husband. A good man is the one who is the head of the family. Denmark's ritual of spices thrown at you if you are not married by 25. We all are fooled by the idea of sex and after we orgasm we realize it was all a trap. Something like that." Well Ms. Anonymous thanks for the donation and shmorgesboard full of topics. Even before I started to think about how I was going to respond you and your rather indecisive topic request you ended up sending me yet another article about a man that is offering people twenty five thousand dollars to anyone that can find him a girlfriend and you shamed his height by saying that he was only 5 foot 7. What are you trying to say? That he's not good enough to find a girlfriend? Look at Joe Rogan, he's five foot four and he's married with kids. But he's rich. Maybe him showing that he's got money to burn is supposed to make up for his height. I can just see some scam artist out there paying a woman ten grand to date this guy out of the twenty-five thousand and pocketing the rest for himself. That's the start of a really bad hollywood movie from the 90s. Then the woman gets caught that it was a scam to date him but now she really really loves him and we bring back Nicolas Cage and Meg Ryan and de-age them and knock a foot off the height of Cage. I'm sure it will be a great romantic comedy. But seriously Ms. Anonymous you suffer from Indecisive woman syndrome. You couldn't make up your mind about what you wanted me to cover. You threw a bunch of stuff and hoped that something would stick against the wall in my mind in the hopes that if you picked on topic I wouldn't shame you too much for choosing something stupid. This way I bet you wanted me to pick the one topic that sounded the smartest? Of course I had to point out your indecisivenes and shame that. But before I do that any further let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser:

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meatbag24 5 years ago


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The reason to go Black-pilled is because it is essential more than ever now. Seems that Earth, the last planet in the Milkyway galaxy that supports humanoid and beastly life lost all shred of everything because of government statism, and feminazis that always wanted to rule the world that they robbed the entire essence of this planet. Nihilism is essential now and any mentally ill delusional republican or democrat that speaks their heresy bullshitting talk shall be shunned. Everything just always gets sabotaged when we progress, its not just Earth being a prison planet, its the Milkyway galaxy being cursed. Live life freest as possible in these end of times and I'm saying this as an atheist-anarchist. Its not just because of the Chinky-Nazi Bioweapon, its everything that stemmed from 1000's of years worth of conflicts of incest. And to all the stupid religitards, Yehashua is dead and never coming back. He was pinned to a T-Stake and stabbed in the heart.

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Cleft of the void: The story of modern day women, lost essence in cryogenics

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