The Advantages Of Marrying As A Man In 2021 LOL - MGTOW

Published on 23 Jan 2021 / In People & Blogs

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The advantages of marrying as a man in 2020

Millions Of Men No Longer Want To Get Married, And You Can Thank The Government For That

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Thomas. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is discuss a topic I found on reddit with the same title as this video except it's 2020 instead of 2021. I put a link to that post in description. Obviously every guy in the comments section under that post says there are no advantages to getting married if you're a man. Of course there are tons of advantages for women. A woman that never gets married and has a career will still end up with less money on average than a woman that got married and then divorced. The opposite is true for men. We all know men get fleeced financially in a divorce. But I'm going to play a little bit of simps advocate and argue for marriage believe it or not. I'll give you the benefit or perceived benefit for the man and then I'll discuss why it's bad and then show you how to hack the heiny so that you can be in relationship and keep a woman under control so you get what you want from her and if she doesn't give you what you want you can show that thot the door as easily and quickly as a land whale can say Hagan Daz. But before I do that let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Tina Reviews: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. So the first so called benefit of getting married is sex on a regular basis. I never had that issue so long as I wasn't living with a woman. But if you're over the age of 25 once you move in with woman the spite starts to build and the sex breaksdown. If you don't believe me just go around and ask married guys when the last time they got a BJ from their buttercup and they will laugh at you like a horse after he kicks you in the nuts. Remember that cohabitation is deadly for your extra testicular activities. Just like getting knocked in the nuts by a stallion. Don't get mounted like a prized pony the way the Brave Browser mounted me. The next thing that guys think is great when you're married is Companionship. You have someone there to spend time with and keep you company. Yes when you're a needy simp the way that I was being lonely was a real issue. Loneliness is a real problem but there's a hack to it. If you never want to be bored again then work really hard on yourself to the point where your own company is more than enough. More specifically your subconscious mind the creative part of you that you'll never meet that comes up with humor. Every woman you spend time with will bore you to death and you'll instead be like Patrick Bateman falling in love with yourself in the mirror. While not being in a relationship for the last five years with a woman my conscious mind has been in a relationship with my unconscious one. It's like the theory of the bicameral mind which states that once upon a time one half of our mind appeared to be speaking to the other and the other half would listen and obey. That this is what led to consciousness in human beings. The voice of god was really our unconscious.

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Freeballstits 4 years ago

I always blame the government when women ask why I'm not married should I tell them something else?

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Freeatlast 4 years ago

If you’re a Chad and flat ass broke with no assets, that is the best position to be in when going into a LTR. The woman can then be the bread earner and have the assets. So this works out well for illegals in this country. Go for it women, you deserve it!

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Menwalkaway 4 years ago


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mrghoster 4 years ago

Marriage was only ever a thing when the Robber Baron's discovered it made THEM wealth. Marriage is DEAD only a FOOL would marry these day's and only a FOOL would Cohab with a female. Marriage is the modern day version of that period in the 20th century when the Horse and cart fizzled out in favor or the Car, for a short time both lived hand in hand or Wheel to Wheel, but Marriage being the old unreliable horse and Cart faded out. all the single or REAL MEN are now going Red Pill, MGTOW or on their own way in some other form and buying that sports car or beefy Motorcycle (preferably with only one rider's seat! lol!.

women are initially to blame for the decline because their ignorance and selfishness allowed Government to move in and objectify them instead of MEN. Government gave them via feminism FREE goodies that were NOT FREE in the first place and now the calling in time has arrived and women destroyed their connection with MEN in anyway even traditionally, they find themselves with problems that no one (MEN) are willing to help resolve because they know the true nature of the female .

so a big laughable THANK's to feminism for FREEING MEN. women didn't see it from the start that feminism is about destroying thew "Feminine" and it has succeeded, and women's spite and nasty nature turned on their only human ally MEN, so they have now isolated themselves and the BALL is very much in their Court to sort this out. Meanwhile MEN can enjoy a respite to do WTF they like.

I cant speak for all MEN as being MGTOW isn't for that. but MGTOW has given me money i would never have had in the past in a RelationSHIT, My time and effort is my own, i now have NO debt or owe even an explanation nether lone any money to no fucker. MGTOW alkso taught mew to accept myself wart's and all. i recommend MGTOW to ANY male. Peace. "MGTOW is Freedom"! Take it from one who knows first hand.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

co hab, serial date ..... there is no walking away

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