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⁣Don't Fall For Fat Women - MGTOW

Published on 19 Jul 2020 / In People & Blogs


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Economic Vampirism - How Boomers ROBBED Gen X (& Millennials)


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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from TechnoMageB5 and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I just wanted to pay tribute to the man who first brought me the red pill over 5 years ago. My topic is I’d like to hear your thoughts on how life is a game of freedoms, barriers, and purposes, and we get to choose the purposes. Perhaps spend a few minutes on how ‘society’ (read: those in power) has taken a survival purpose – men taking a woman to provide and protect, and make the next generation – and turned it against men in order to make them plantation slaves for the State. Now they’ve overplayed their hand to the point where men are waking up and deciding they don’t have to take on that purpose, they don’t have to play that game (among others), that men in fact have a world of options (purposes) to choose from, that they don’t have to have just one purpose, and where all this is going as a result. Thank you.” Well TechnoMage thanks for the donation and topic. You're probably wondering to yourself why the title is "Don't Fall For Fat Women" when what you want me to talk about is purpose. The truth of the matter is that for the majority of men out there that want to pursue that old purpose of marriage and family in the west in particular it means lowering your expectations as she raises her weight on a scale. Meaning you have to settle for fat and or unattractive women if you want to fulfill that old purpose society and biology set out for you. I know plenty of guys that would gladly fall into their biological purpose but the problem is they won't accept dating or being with fat chicks to do it and for many of them that's all they can get and they are disgusted by them. They would rather see society burn to the ground rather than touch a fat girls where she pees. Plus of course there's the biggest barrier in my mind to housing formation in the west which is the prohibitive cost to own your own home. This reduces family formation because it makes men in their twenties and thirties unattractive to women unless those men are millionaires. Those barriers to housing in the west are thanks to the baby boomer and I put a black pigeon speaks video in the description called economic vampirism that explains it further. You can either fight the baby boomers and their inflation of asset bubbles and forcing the state to take on more debt to help them retire or you can use the baby boomers tactics against them. That's why my plan is to live like a snow bird senior in Canada. Move into a fifth wheel in a trailer park surrounded by wrinklies wearing depends and then living outside the country for the other half the year in Europe. I can pull this off because of cheap living expenses elsewhere and I can work remotely. if you can't beat the boomers then I figure why not join them. The only thing I'll avoid doing is getting as obese as those beastly boomer women. Before I discuss this and more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Red Pill Plumber:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

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fistohiydi 5 years ago
24 July 2020 - TFM 420 - The Morning Constitutional: 7/24/2020

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Freeatlast 5 years ago

Seems like if a western woman is fit and not fat, she is automatically in the top 20% of women.

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Mademyownway 5 years ago

Westernized men have been brain washed into thinking fat is beautiful and desirable. So, wrong period.
The average size of a western woman is 14 to 16. That is just fat. And they all seems to blame it on having a child... BULLSHIT! as Popp would say.
I dealt with this mindset for a many years, until a trip to Eastern Europe, where a woman's average size is 4 to 5. I know Eastern European woman who are in their mid 40's, with 2 or more child's that are still a size 4 or 5.

Problem happening in Eastern Europe now is the younger generation of women are becoming more and more westernized. They have learned to use the slot c to get what they want. Which is turning the pink taco into an Arby's Roast beef with tons of guys DNA floating around in their heads.

I did notice the 35 and up women are more reserved, when it comes to using the slot c to gain something they want. But, here that number is low and leans more towards the younger woman's thinking.
Granted the options for a woman, who will take care of herself and be MUCH thin is greater. There is still the mentality of using their goods to get what THEY want.

I still travel to Eastern Europe 3 times a year. And will never touch another western cow in my life. I will travel and bang someone I can get both arms around LOL!

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RoboCat 5 years ago

My first girlfriend was a fat chick, well more like chubby-ish. We were both in our late teens and she was.... passable, like borderline fat. After almost 2 years of being together, she left me for my best friend and I was devastated...... time passed and only a couple of years later another friend of mine linked me a picture of them. He aged like 10 years in only a few and she gained at least 100 pounds.

It was then that I realized that my 'best friend' was truly my best friend. He (unintentionally) took a fat bullet for me because, at the time, I was young and green. I would have married/kept that chick without realizing that she was ready to pull the pin on the fat grenade and run over any hope of happiness I may have had.

DON'T FALL FOR FAT CHICKS, EVER. THEY WILL ONLY GET FATTER..... and if they lose weight they will leave you. It's lose/lose.

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Remember everyone ditch Windows and install the Linux distro of your choice. Windows sucks, its fixated as a curse, and they make money off your data. Until the Paid Data Act comes out, they can go to hell.

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