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Psychological Warfare - MGTOW

Published on 08 Jan 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Delilah Despised

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Mia in HARDtalk interview

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from John. He didn't give me a topic so I've decided to cover something that I spoke to someone named Omar on one of my MGTOW coaching calls that I typically do for $45 per hour. He's gotten his dick into a very interesting predicament and yet the woman he's currently with is a young twenty something virgin. He learned about my channel five years ago and was a MGTOW monk for over almost four years but then found the best woman he's been with so far and is now in a year long relationship. She's a conservative muslim woman but who knows if she's getting busy like Mia Khalifa riding the Kafir Carousel while pretending to be a virgin. Omar wants to get out of the relationship but he can't find anything negative that would warrent him breaking up with her. He understands that she's not the perfect unicorn hiding her horn under her veil. He was worried about the fact that he knows all about female nature and knows that going his own way has advantages but if he marries this woman and has a family and something really bad happens in ten years he's going to regret getting involved with her. He can't live with her because she's ultra conservative and sex isn't a priority for him. But marriage seems to be a priority for her. Marrying a virgin or one that you've never lived with before allows her to do the old bait and switch. She's all nice and properly behaved until the wedding. But when you move in you realise you're moving in with a goat instead of a goddess. Women are the gate keepers of sex and men are the gate keepers and committment and it looks like we've got ourselves an old fashioned standoff between a man and a woman. Omar understandably doesn't want to make a mistake in his life and I told him that he's in a catch 22 or Kobayashi Maru. A situation where if he goes back to being a mgtow monk he's not going to get the female companionship and validation he wants but he's also not going to be the free man he once was and if he get married. He wants both of those things and he wants to justify dumping her if he does do it but her proving to him that she's a bad woman. So far she's been accomodating and pleasant. When they fight he tells her to be reasonable and she is. But how long will that last if they get married and maybe she's already building up resentment because he wants her to use the brain in her head instead of just giving him head. But before I tell you more about what we spoke about let me first tell you about today's sponsor Delilah Despised:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

2 photo credits:

1. Nice sexy woman mechanic showing bum buttock and holding wrench isolated over white background

2. Sexy model with super long legs chilling on a classic chair. Studio shot.

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One_Ronin 5 years ago

Who the hell would Marry a Porn Star? I just can not wrap my head around marriage, but a porn star! to boot!

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WMHarrison94 3 years ago

I might be willingly to accept one as a concuibine but never a wife (in the post post Modern rebuilt civilization!)

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

she is a BAD female. ... they all LIE, they have THEIR best interests at heart........she is withholding sex to FLIP him in marriage..........she is relying on his small head winning out. He is doing fine without being married, kick her to the curb for the REASON.......... if he were to tell her he will NEVER marry her......let her leave, and she will be gone in 24hrs.

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delilahdespised 5 years ago

Sandman you can find a woman from another planet right here on Earth if you look hard enough.

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delilahdespised 5 years ago

Sandman isn't the phrase " reasonable woman " oxymoronic ?

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