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Don't Tell People About MGTOW

Published on 10 Jan 2020 / In People & Blogs

Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection
- www.amazon.com/Tim-Patten/e/B00M4QL16A/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_2?qid=1544930598&sr=8-2

Sponsor Link 2:
- http://www.sanantonio.the-doll-house.com

Sponsor YouTube Link:
- https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCfniYT9wJHMlonj6d

MGTOW.tv: http://www.mgtow.tv/

MGTOW Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YK6aqkBy7Uk

SubscribeStar.com: https://www.subscribestar.com/sandman

Brave Browser: https://brave.com/san644

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Crash and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I was introduced to your content and MGTOW after my divorce a couple years ago. I am an attorney and thought I was a pretty smart guy but have learned I am a virtual idiot when it comes to women. MGTOW creators like you have saved me from ever returning to traditional long term relationships. I have also been worried about your recent struggles with youtube and the censorship you have experienced there. I am worried that your message may not be available to men in the future. I have had the thought that men need to go grass roots for MGTOW like annoying leftists with cardboard signs and marches stopping traffic. The message is truly important and can save men's lives. My best idea is to get a bunch of Sandman or MGTOW stickers made and then stick them in men's bathroom stalls of every bar and restaurant I visit. It might at least point men in the right direction. What do you think? Do you have any other good grass roots ideas to get the word out about MGTOW? Thank you for all you do." Well Crash thanks for the donation and topic. When I say don't tell people about MGTOW what I mean is don't go around in the blue pill world forcing red pills down men's metaphorical throats the way carousel riding thots force feed themselves Kahlua that comes from a cock. It's just going to get messy and sticky. Before I tell you why you shouldn't plaster MGTOW and Sandman stickers in men's bathroom's let me first tell you about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back with the show. I beleive there was someone I already spoke to about possibly getting five or ten different guys in a big city to start putting MGTOW stickers into men's bathrooms. I suggested to instead put them in women's bathrooms because women would respond and call the cops and the media and make a big stink. Bigger than the stink they're already making in the bathroom. I thought that it would be better innitially to put the stickers in the women's bathrooms in one city by getting five guys to dress up bad drag and put them there to get women's attention and then get the media to cover the story. It would be Free publicity. But that would just draw more attention to MGTOW and probably get my channel and many others yanked off of YouTubes. Putting the stickers in the men's bathrooms could also pose another risk. Cameras are standard in most places and film you going into the bathroom and could get you in trouble for vandilism perhaps. Then your identity would be out there. You could get fired. It would also have to be done on a massive scale meaning that men would have to co-ordinate and there are good odds that if one man is caught he's going to rat out the rest. Then there's the issue of how effective it would actually be. People that see the stickers would have to remember to go on their phones and look up MGTOW. I can barely remember what I saw on my screen 5 minutes ago most days. Also putting up Sandman Stickers in Bathrooms would make people think I was paying for that vandilism and therefore they might complain to YouTube and my entire channel might get pulled down. Or the cops might come and investigate and that puts me under a doxxing risk. This grass roots MGTOW idea of bathroom stalls is not a good at all.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by "Videezy.com"

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DariaMorgendoffer 5 years ago

Tell people in real life, and when that "Female" comes down on you. Just tell her, she projecting her insecurities in the conversation, and her negative attitude is not welcome. REMEMBER Never argue with a woman. Do you argue with children in real life, heck no. You just put your foot down and tell them hows it gonna be. If you don't have the guts, don't try it.

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

IF THEY DONT SEEK IT .... they dont want it..........

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logicalmgtow 5 years ago

I thought of another reason why we should be careful about advertising MGTOW in public like that. You've said a few times before that google and youtube fix their search results when it comes to things they don't approve of. So if someone sees a sticker with "MGTOW" on it and googles it to find out more they might just see a bunch of results saying things like "MGTOW are a bunch of misogynistic losers who spread hate and lies about women because they can't get laid." It may backfire on us. What do you think?

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Alpha Male Lifestyle
Alpha Male Lifestyle 5 years ago

Lol we already have a MGTOW.cafe

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Mgtow Smurf
Mgtow Smurf 5 years ago

This is a private video, I can't watch it too bad. LOL

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Sandman 5 years ago

Thanks for the donation. It will be public 2 days from upload.

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Mgtow Smurf
Mgtow Smurf 5 years ago

@Sandman: comment was a joke

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AP530 5 years ago

@MgtowSmurf: whats up bro

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

@Sandman: It’s good to always treat it like a secret identity of yours, Also sorry about the ordeal with brave not paying you back the 21,000 $, I guess they have been breached or blackmailed and that’s not good especially not that they withheld your hard earned income; Damn them

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