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Feminism Can't Be Stopped - MGTOW

Published on 24 Jun 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr S and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, A few years ago I saw a news article about Triple Talaq being banned in India. The word Talaq means divorce in arabic. Saying the word Talaq 3 times in any form, including by email or SMS, enables a man to get divorced from his wife. I had never heard of this until this was mentioned in the news. I’m Sikh, and although we have fought Muslims since the founding of our religion, I feel that this one positive aspect of Islam which could destroy feminism globally if all men were able to use it. I’d love to hear your thoughts on it in a video. Keep up the great work. Kind Regards. Well Mr. S thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The Brave Browser: Anyways, now back with the show. I believe I've spoken about the Triple Talaq before. It's a reverse Beetlejuice manuever for Arabs but instead of saying it three times and she appears, instead you say it three times and wife she disapears. But seriously destroying feminism is impossible because it's female nature. Just like MGTOW is male nature when men are pushed too far with regards to having their rights stripped away so they can strip down their fat wife down in bed once month if they're lucky. There is no destroying feminism and as you can see it can't be contained in the west. Nor do I think it should be destroyed. I think we need to find a work around because if left unchecked it will destroy civilization at some point in the future. Sure if all men were able to use the Triple Talaq it would give men another tool to deal with women. But problem of course is that the majority of divorces are initiated by women against men and very few are initiated by men. A woman has to be really bad if you as the man leave her. As I've learned she has to literally drive you mad. So even with the Triple Talaq women in India and the middle east are still gynocentric. Women are on the offensive politically growing the number of female politicians in parliaments all over the world. The MeToo madness has been expanding as well. I fear that Covid19 might just be a speed bump on their way to power over civilization itself. Mr. S debating about weather men have the right to instantly divorce their wives in Islamic countries is like the two of us debating where to put the deck chairs on the Titanic. For many of us the manosphere has been a life saver. But in the end with regards to civilization it's like us standing on the stern of the Titanic as it's sinking and saying of course it's not sinking, just look my half went up by ten feet in the last three minutes. We are wasting our time trying to fight feminists. It's like trying to fight the communists in Russia during the October Revolution. The only thing we can do for self preservation is to get to safety. Mr. S do you really think that women from your own culture aren't eventually going to behave the same way as Muslim women in India? Looking for new rights to take away from men so they can be more powerful. I get the feeling that for women power over men is intoxicating like shoes, purses and coats. They can never have enough of those things so I believe they can never have enough power over us either overt or covert.

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doczg88 5 years ago

Yes it can. Yes we can. Just say no.

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BenjaSariwatta 5 years ago

I use to think they can’t be stopped then i saw afghan women during british rule and after the taliban took over and i think to myself, nothing is impossible.

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masculistman 5 years ago

Bigfoot told me about the farting land whale. We were on the same UFO together.
I wonder if he meant this landwhale:

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

feminism is communism, just spelled differently.......

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masculistman 5 years ago

Feminism is gynocentricity. It has existed since the Roman Empire. Marx and Engels just threw it in and called it feminism.

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