OK Boomer! - MGTOW

Published on 28 Jan 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: Hi Sandman, I'm writing this try to get to the core of what's going on with modern male/female relationships and how they have changed over the last few decades. I'm hearing a lot of anger from the men's rights community (an anger that I certainly share!), but I'm not certain if we're getting to the core of the problem. Instead of running a "he man haters" club and making videos about how much we despise them, shouldn't we try to figure out what's going on? In book titled "An Economic Theory of Sex" Eric Robert Morse points out that the 2 sexes have different roles in raising the child. The female is a nurturer, the male is a provider and protector. The female has breasts to breast feed the child, her skin is soft for holding and carressing the child, she is compassionate. The male, on the other hand, has no breasts, has muscles that are bigger than the females and his skin is tougher. He is more tough minded, less compassionate. The male is a provider and protector. The situation today is that the government has replaced the male provider. When a woman is pregnant, she is down for 9 months, and then another 18 years to raise the child. These are the time periods when the woman traditionally needs the male protector and provider. But today if a woman gets pregnant, she can get on Welfare, the state will support her while she raises her child. Or she can get a state-funded abortion--in California a woman doesn't have to pay a single penny for an abortion--the state pays for everything. Her third option is to continue working and send the child to daycare. As far as jobs go, there is affirmative action for women for employment, as well as for education. Essentially, the male provider role has been taken over by the government!! They don't need us anymore!! Ironically, men pay 70% of the taxes that fund the government!! And you can't refuse to pay-- the IRS can seize your bank account, or throw you in prison!! I could make a case for our society being a feminist/socialist dictatorship backed up by violence!! Technology is phasing out the male protector role! A woman can protect herself with a gun or a tazer. Of course, most of these technologies were probably invented by men. Needless to say divorce laws and sexual harassment laws have all been changed to favor women. In fact, according to "Men on Strike" by Helen Smith, because of feminist lobbying, since 1970, EVERY law has been changed to favor women!! "Misandry is the new Jim Crow" is a statement someone posted on the internet. In other words, being a male in the U.S. in 2020 is about as much fun as being black in Mississippi in 1953! I don't think you are right in assigning all the blame to "female nature". I used to date women in Arkansas in the '80's and 90's and they were nothing like the stuck-up bitches you meet in the big cities today. In fact, dating was an enjoyable proccess in those days. Want to meet a woman who values you and loves you? Go to a Third World country where there is no Welfare or state funded abortion! You could also try the South or the Midwest or a small tow, anywhere old-fashioned values predominate.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Ad Image Credits:

1. Cheerful young couple in love having fun outdoors. Man and woman screaming and fighting for fun. Bride and groom posing for photographer.

2. Collage of upset brides- square banner size

3. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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fefitolulalivre 5 years ago

best meme of all times

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Anonymous21 5 years ago

Maybe the coronavirus will bring that much-needed recession.

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

interest of 17-19% with inflation at 5 -6 percent ........... doesnt jbe..... volker CRANKED up interest rates to slam on the brakes ........ it was painful.

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One_Ronin 5 years ago

Fraction of all US wealth owned by Boomers & Gen-Xers when the average member of each was age 35:

Boomers, 1989 21%
GenX, 2008 8%

The average Millennial turns 35 in 2023. Right now they own 3%.

I would argue the older the generation the harder they worked for what they have. As the generations come into their prime earning years they believe they are "entitled" to something. I know some of the last years of the boomers, they were given nothing, earned everything they have today,. I ask them how many times they have traveled to an exotic place or a warm holiday out of the country , their count is on one hand. Many Millennial I know don't own much but have been to dozens of places around the world by the time they are 30. Its about Priorities, Sacrifice and Choices.

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