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Women Age Like Winos - MGTOW

Published on 30 Nov 2019 / In People & Blogs

Sponsor Link:
- Red Pill Ring

Bitch - An Incursion Into The Manosphere

MGTOW Mystery Link:

Brave Browser:

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Simo and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, Im a 49 year old Australian construction professional, un-married with no children and well on way to my planned FU money. I’ve pretty much been MGTOW before MGTOW was a thing. As you recently commented, many men – especially men my age had to found their way to MGTOW pre internet, so I agree that even with sensorship the numbers of men taking the red pill will grow even by itself, albeit slower. Anyways, there is a lot of difficult times ahead for young men, so I would like to make the suggestion of not giving up – that is, there are many great things ahead for men, even in the seemingly dark and uncertain times. Suicide seems to have taken a lot of men especially in their early 40’s which reminds me of the old saying “it’s the darkest before the dawn”. Men, please hang in there, don’t let them win. Having been to some dark and sad times myself I do speak with experience when I say Life truly gets better as a man. At 49 I have the money to do things I never been able to before, including picking my work. I don’t have to work in a women filled office – I have the choice to say NO. Almost all the women I dated from my teens to mid 30’s have at some stage in my early 40’s tried to “reconnect” with me. I’m only average looking, actually I’ve aged, put on a few pounds etc but – suddenly they all wanted to reconnect, funny because the only real thing that’s changed in a positive direction is my net wealth, oh wait….. LOL They aren’t there for race – they just wait at the finish line. My last date a few years ago was with a 42 year old, rich and successful woman that clearly had baby rabbies. Once she considered me to be suitable she asked what I thought of having children, and sandman, as quick as she asked I replied “well if they were important I wouldn’t be having a drink with a woman your age” she all but stormed out. Later when telling a mate about it I coined the phrase “my fridge has more eggs left in it” which I’ve used since. So you see, it’s true – men gain more of what a woman want with age & women lose most of what a man wants with age. So men - work hard, work smart & enjoy the fruits as you get older – if nothing else it will provide you with life choices and bloody good last laugh. Men may have to take the scraps in their 20’s, but women have nothing but scraps the rest of their life. Kind regards Simo." Well Simo thanks for the donation and topic. Sounds to me like the women that you went out with in their their thirties aged like winos instead of wine and and are now looking for you to bale them out. I'll get to your request in just a sec but let me first tell you about today's sponsor The Red Pill Ring:

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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mrghoster 4 years ago

As a MGTOW Monk for some years now I don't do the WINO and Dino because any WINO female over 30 is a DINOsour! lol! Yes that's the right spelliung a dino "SOUR" - NOT saur! lol! As the saying say's "women turn and age like soured Milk, whereas MEN mature like a good WINE" women turn from young YOGA doer's to old YOGURT carton's! lol!

i think I've really been MGTOW most or all life but just didn't have a name for it? but now I really know my place in life and actually saving money. I bought a new Motorcycle last year with CASH i would probably have wasted on dating or some other worthless pursuit?

A friend of mine died at the end of last year and at the Wake all these fucking females came out of the rotten wood and got chatting me up, a couple of them now in therir 50's are also on drug's as well as being fucking WINO's. Can you imaging sticking your "Gerkin2 in one of them to only get it pickled and turned GREEN? LOL!

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Navigator_of_none 5 years ago

Females age like mummies, main from the overuse of fake up.

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