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I Think She Cucked Me - MGTOW

Published on 13 Aug 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Walt and here's what he has to say: Hi Sandman, I have two adult sons, one I am not sure is mine. Could you look at the pictures and tell me what you think. The one on the right has a totally different jaw, his is block shape like mine and son on left is pointed, I and son on left has dangling ear lobes. The one on right is attached. Their noses are totally different, ears are different too. I have really long arms, son on right are very short. My body strength is in my legs, his is upper body, he can bench over 300lbs, In high school I could bench 65. Son on left and myself have a higher IQ by a good amount. Son one and me are in the 130s Son 2 is is 105-115. I can not get a DNA test as son 2 hasn't talked to me in four years as he became a cop, works for a corrupt department and enjoys beating up brown and poor people. I would not put my stamp of approval on his actions. He told me that if I did not support his brothers in blue, then he doesn't have a father. I did not tell him he might be right. A few years back I had some employees steal a pile of money from my business and I went bankrupt. My so called loving wife attempted to throw me under the bus at the same time. We were foster parents also and in front of the CPS office she left the kids in the car and went inside the building, a big no no. I had told her that she should never do that, ever because she had done it before, but didnt get caught. I wasn't there as I was at my business. CPS investigated and during the interview she said I did it because he beats me and started crying. The two female social workers looked at me like I was Satan. From that point on it didnt matter what I said. There was a long investigation, CPS went to the school and interviewed the kids asking them how often I beat her. They interviewed neighbors and friends also. By the
way I never in the 30 years I never ever even threatened violence. After several months of pure hell dealing with CPS and trying to save my business I was totally cleared. It was a miracle, as CPS put me through the ringer and would have really likled to have stuck it to the evil male. She was put on a CPS watch list. So when my back was up against the wall in business I learned a very hard lesson about female nature. When I was rolling in the money I was useful, When the gravey train ended I became expendable. It was like getting electro shock therapy while getting a red pill enema. It wasnt pleasant but I awoke from a long blue pill haze. Feel free to use this in a daily video or just send me your opinion on looking at the picture what you think." Well Walt thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOWs Guide To Retiring on 200k in Southeast Asia:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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demo 5 years ago

sandman talking himself into getting a DNA test lol

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I said when I die that all my shekels are going to A.L.F. because Animal Lives Matter!

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Modern day women are a train wreck suicide nuclear bomb into the Earth's volcanic core. They're killing us all goddamnit!

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One_Ronin 5 years ago

Sandman, have a look.

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

what do you care for ?? it seems to WASTE a portion of your time ..... history is just that, gone forever. tell the one that you dont believe is yours to get a dna test.......... let him unload on his mother , not u.

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