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Why Women Will Try Banning Technology - MGTOW

Published on 08 Nov 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandaman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Randy and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I just wanted to let you know your message is still penetrating the world. I stopped at a local store to visit with a friend about his impending divorce. He told me that one of his customers also mentioned your channel to him a few times as well. This means another MGTOW completely independently of me is pitching your channel in a small town in North Dakota. This place is remote and frankly very slow to embrace alternative media. If you got that kind of penetration here it means you are still cracking through!" Well Randy thanks for the donation and for sharing your story. If men in Buttfuck Idaho, no offence to Idaho, it's a lovely place, lovely people in my best pretend Trump voice but if they are listening then you know the message is slowly changing the culture. I know it's happening because a feminist wrote about how the manosphere was changing the way young guys would speak and think in UK high schools and she mentioned me in an article and I guess she might be insunuating that I have had something to do with that. At this point in time I see only one way for women to maintain their power in society if society doesn't collapse. If it collapses we go back to traditionalism and men are screwed. If things continue like they have men are also screwed. The only way to free men is through new technology with regards to both money and our thirst for women's mammaries. That's why I'm thinking that women and central bankers will join forces against men in a some sort of tag team duo. I'll get to more about my thoughts on that in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity: Anyways, now back to the video. Everyone is looking at the economy and wondering which assets will rise in price and will there be inflation and deflation. But no one is looking at what sorts of structural changes are going to happen in the future. If you're familiar with the book called the fourth turning then you'll understand that we are entering that fourth turning period of chaos and conflict. But after it's over we go back to the 1st turning again. The system resets and the new generation that's around wants stability and is tired of chaos. A good example of this in science fiction is the film Harrison Bergeron. Most specifically one scene that I've put a link to in the description. In that scene there are a bunch of kids in a classroom discussing history and how after the cold war America went through something called the Great Recession and it was a never ending recession caused by technological deflation. American went through the second American Revolution because of wealth inequality. Fifteen percent of the people had all the wealth and high tech jobs and the other 85% were broke. So they took America into the direction of social justice and simplified technology back to the 1950s level of sophistication so that everyone would still have a job.

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Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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AntiCuck1982 4 years ago

Don't send whores up there... you will just create simps. Stop thinking about the female side for a second please... if you can

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HennessyVenom 4 years ago

he wont he is set on think we have to market to women first to trick them to give us permission to succeed when men haven't done this for all of human civilization. He has bad ideas and does the same thing tfm speaks of will someone (not me) fix the problem. It just an excuse to not do anything cause he knows women would say no. Sandman could be a larp.

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KingDindu 4 years ago

women are the majority of voters and attempt to shut shit down that hurts them, if we weren't cucked we wouldn't be in this situation in the 1st place

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

we'll out invent them every time.

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HennessyVenom 4 years ago

nothing they can do to stop us just like all the men out their building guns in their backyards you cant stop 2fa with 3d printers floating around

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

you placate to females .......... they have declared war on MEN, IT IS only fair that they get a chance to defend themselves on the field of battle.

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HennessyVenom 4 years ago

they will lose

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AntiCuck1982 4 years ago

@acelaken: i dunno , most of our enemies ARE men. Women are just animals/children it's simps and cucks who are the problem, and they outnumber us 19 to 1

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

you negate outright war and the displacement of females in any type of position....... male biology wont sleep forever........... females will hit the last straw unknowingly ....... and Braveheart will re appear.l

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HennessyVenom 4 years ago

he fears gynocentricsm greatly and underestimates the power of men's innovation to bypass laws

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Duugus 4 years ago

I see a future equilibrium between 80% of women and 93% of men. The Top 20/7 % will keep playing the Gold Digger/Chad chase game off in their own little world. This does not mean the end of the tech threat to women, it just isolates the two groups. One engaging in the game and the majority dropping out. Since women will want men to comply, women will get what they want and will quit do to them being forced, by themselves, to choose the men they don't want. Application of the female double standard, they will quit to find the best of the lower 93 % of men they don't want. The law will say one thing and women will exempt themselves from compliance to the laws they imposed on us all. Nothing new. Give women what they want and they find that its exactly what they don't want. Eve still has not learned.

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HennessyVenom 4 years ago

i will build sex robots and artificial wombs and i wont be marketing to women thats where sandman is dead wrong

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Duugus 4 years ago

@acelaken: Yes, I don't think marketing to women will not work. They would just claim it for themselves and deny it for men. Maybe using the women's health excuse to get it from the government for free.

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