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Dating Older Women For Practice - MGTOW

Published on 24 Nov 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mercutio and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I have a topic / predicament that could use a bit of your advice or talk-through rambling. I've been MGTOW for about 4 years, the last 2 in monk-mode, and have been reaping the benefits. Increasing my income at least 50% each year, 99 problems etc. While out with a couple buddies, I met a friend of theirs. As the night went on I talked more and more with her, while the others seemed to be more interested in getting inebriated. About half-way through the night I told her (honestly) that she was too tall for me (I'm 5 8 & have never dated a woman over 5 4). We've hung out a couple times since, a hike, or by just grabbing a drink after work. Each time agreeing more and more, especially on controversial topics, such as politics, feminism, etc. To give some context; I'm in my mid 30's, & live in a conservative area, while she's in her early-40's & seems done with kids. I also don't think that I come off as wealthy, optically she appears to be doing better financially than I. Anyways man, what do you think? Is a girl-friend possible? Worth the risk? Admittedly it is possible that we get a little tips and make-out or something someday but.... what do you think? Thanks." Well Mercutio thanks for the donation and topic. It's appreciated during the coof. Thanks for confirming the same thing that happened to me as well as many other guys going your own way that you double your income and double your savings when you're single. That means you will move four times faster to financial security then the old you that used to date. You have more time to work, think and save because you're not going out with her and spending your time and your money. You mentioned that as the first benefit of going monk mode. So how would you feel if you got so preoccupied with this babe that your income was cut in half again and your savings rate dropped too? Is it worth it? Do a cost benefit versus cock benefit analysis. Anyways, before I get to more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video Mercutio this woman woman is obviously interested enough to get you to fall in love playing the part of the female chameleon. She's gauging your value system and agreeing with it more and more. She's selling out her non existent values and taking on yours. Actually her values will probably only appear once you're firmly in her grasp and have love goggles on for her. She wanted you to bang her almost immediately but she's cute letting you think you're courting when her cooch is already wet and waiting. Waiting to control you that is. What are you waiting for buckaroo it's time for the old fuckaroo. I'm only kidding of course. Telling you to bang this woman is like telling an alcoholic to go back to the bottle after two years of sobriety. Do you really trust yourself not to fall in love again and simp? For me it's been almost five years of monk mode. The closest I've come to a relationship in that time is in my dreams. Ironically last night was making out with an Asian woman in her university class and she was obviously much younger than me.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by "Videezy.com"

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Lucifer333 4 years ago

I did it, in my student days I dated a cugar, (ok she was also my landlord i rented a room from), nothing more fantastic then a 35 year old teaching you an 18 yo all the ropes... I think i almost fucked myself a heartattack)))

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Duugus 4 years ago

Sooo...that would be a yes? LOL

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zdoctor 4 years ago

i have found in my experiences the ladies never seem to care about you......they dont mind using you for free dinners, movies, vacations etc then claim you use them for sex.....the double standard i have tired from so i stopped perusing. thats my experience so far so i have had decided to keep away from dating. just my 2 cents.

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ExperimentalGroup 4 years ago

That’s like telling someone to drive an old, beat up car to get used to driving sports cars. Total bullshit and if the dude falls for it, he’s stupid

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