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19 Year Old Serbian Woman Wants My Advice - MGTOW

Published on 16 Jan 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Tina Reviews

Center For women's Studies Belgrade

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James. He didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is read part of a Facebook discussion I've had with a woman from Serbian. Her name is Maja and here's what she has to say and I quote: "Hey Sandman, I learned recently about mgtow and I'd like to understand it a bit better. My question is as follows: do all men who adopt this philosophy refrain from relationships with any women or is it just that you refrain from toxic feminist women that say you must buy me dinner and treat me like a royalty women? I'm really curious. I seem to find a lot of people saying they gave up on the concept of love or a marriage. Do you think it is in every woman's nature to be manipulative and toxic, making it impossible for an honest relationship, or is it somewhat individual? As I said, I would really like to understand and get more educated on this topic, as I can grasp the concept of this philosophy and, well honestly, I'd like to be a more considerate person, so I think understanding your (men's) ways of thinking can really help me." unquote. Here's how I responded to her. For your information I was born in Belgrade. As for your question for many men when they first learn about this philosophy they still date. But the longer they follow it the less they date and eventually their interest in women and relationships goes down to zero. I've been at that point for five years now. I think female nature is female nature and can't be changed only contained. As a woman it's all about how you express your manipulation and how free you are to do it. If you're quiet and passive this is the most effective way to manipulate a man. You keep covert power from the shadows. I just told you that you have to appear more considerate. Listen to the man you're with. Find one that likes to talk and work and if you're quiet he will love you and thank you with his loyalty if he's a good man. Or if you pretend to be interested in the same things as him that also works. But that behavior won't work on me and many MGTOW men anymore. But it will on most men. At least in the west. Probably in the east too. So Maya got back to me and if you want to hear the rest of what she has to say then you'll have to hear it after today's sponsor Tina Reviews: Anyways, now back to the video. Here's how Maya responds and I quote: "I Can't believe you're from Serbia! Thank you very much for your answer. I just think it's very sad that people in general, no matter the group they belong to are still oppressed, not treated equally and that we still have to fight for normal life and basic civic rights but hey, who knows what will happen in the future." unquote Then I get back to her by say that the west is rapidly becoming communist. The east is more free for now and that I may have to move back to Serbia permanently if I want to remain a capitalist. Western currency is about to be destroyed. Listen to Novak Jokovic and buy Bitcoin. I also asked her what the situation is like between men and women in Serbia lately? I hear from younger guys like Igor MGTOW that feminism is making it's way in. Although I know that Novi Sad has been more Westernized than the rest of the country last time I visited. Maya says she agrees with Bitcoin, and thinks it's a good investment. The rest of her statements is as follows and I quote: "As for the situation here, I generally feel like younger generation is more freeminded overall, and there is feminism, but I haven't yet met anyone who is an extreme West-like feminist. But I honestly think the East is more sound than the West and things are just out of control there. But you are right, Novi Sad the city I'm from is more Westernized than the rest of Serbia, though I would add Belgrade is as well.

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1. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-397048991/stoc

2. https://www.bigstockphoto.com/....image-310315597/stoc

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Jack Green
Jack Green 4 years ago

*sees Sandman's today sponsor*

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satcomer 4 years ago

Me I went MGTOW a fairly non-traditional way by going into US Intelligence for carrier and could not marry if a I wanted to keep on having the clearance! So I never married and retired now!

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RoboCat 4 years ago

Sandman has this down to a science it seems. The way he described it is exactly how it happened for me.
I learned about MGTOW and kept on seeing women like I always did..... but the more I learned , the more I could recognize their behavior until one day I just permanently lost interest. The constant lies, unnecessary drama, frequent echoing and zero loyalty makes women unattractive in absolute terms.

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AmericanPartisan 4 years ago

I would say Asia and maybe China will be the first to capitalize on the loverbot system. 1) They have the greatest male to female ratio of any nation. 2) There is less apprehension to humanoid robots, especially in places like Japan.

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