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Women Are Done - MGTOW

Published on 04 Sep 2020 / In People & Blogs

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

I can feel it in the air. Women are done.

Men not marrying? How deep does "the problem" go?

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Daniel. He didn't send me a specific topic. So what I'd like to do is go through a reddit post called "I can feel it in the air. Women are done." which I put a link to in the description. It was created by someone named Teddy and he follows the same mistake in his reason and rationality that myself and so many other before and after me made. We naively thought that if we went our own way and so did many men out there that other men would see this trend and also walk away from women and it would lead to their suffering. But someone named American Jedi below that post says this and I quote: "Nope. Sorry but that just isn't the case. Plenty of men still want to date, want to marry and have families. I just look around in public and see even the fattest nastiest women with a man in tow. And women who aren't fat have their choice of many men. Nothing is going to change anytime soon." unquote. That is definitely the case if you look through something like Tinder and lets say the top forty or fifty percent of the best looking women never get back to you. If they are done and their world is folding like a cheap suitcase then they would take whatever attention they could get. Even if women were done with us they would still be using our tax dollars to support them. Which is what many of the ugly ones in unionized government jobs are doing. I'll get to my thoughts about women being far from done as well as share some personal stories about this in a moment. But let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. About a year and a half after first going my own way I thought the way Teddy did. That women were done. But I changed my mind after I was filming an event for a female client. I was taking pictures and video for her. I think that night I took about five hundred photos and shot at least an hour or two worth of video footage. Everything went smoothly on my end even though she yelled at the caterers and her husband. Her husband was a very
successful guy with a massive tool and die business and yet there he was moping around with a woman that treated him like dog poop. He could have done much much better but was stuck under her spell. This wasn't his first wife either. I went home and thought my job was done without insidence. The next day I sent her the photos and video. She was happy about the video but she was pissed off about the photos. Because out of the five hundred photos 15 of them I took of the help. The idea is to show everyone that I'm thurough and that I take pictures of everything and everyone I can. But she was pissed and started treating me like her husband. It's after that encounter that I realised that if women like her can find a man in their lives then so can most women. Were talking about a woman in her sixties with a man in his seventies. The older guys I find are far more tolerant of the emotional punishment that women dish out. Maybe they don't let it get to them as much? Maybe they just hide their broken souls better.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

We could perhaps make money online like getting/crypto currency and getting an online job here on MGTOW TV. But anyway let’s cut to the chase here, About these fringe spam accounts... Whatever you brothers do...Never trust any of these Snake oil salesmen no matter how tempting.

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Sir_666 4 years ago

@MrA_H0Ie ,

Exponential is an adjective used to define - a rising or expanding of something at a steady and usually rapid rate.

The link is below if you wish to verify it.

Also Exponentially is an adverb. that is used to state something - in an "Exponential manner."

Exponential, again, meaning -- rising or expanding at a steady and usually rapid rate.

You can also verify this in the below link.

I stated, " Inevitably decline even more - exponentially ", within my initial post on here. That statement would translate as " Inevitably decline in an even more Rapid manner OR Exponential manner. "

Both Rapid manner OR Exponential manner would mean the same thing as per the definition of the words, Exponential and Exponentially.

Lastly, MrA_H0Ie, I might suggest you ease up on the unnecessary Grammar Policing on here and/or dial down your caffeine consumption. Since it's probably also a waste of your time and awards you no points on here anyway.

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

Gentlemen Don't fall for a scam . If the people below wont tell you HOW or What there selling it's most likely a SCAM !

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Sir_666 4 years ago

MGTOW will not End Simping; Agreed. However, something already Unfolding likely will in the coming few Years. Read on to learn what and why ...

As Automation / Technology continues to Now and in the coming years to Downsize and Phase out Decent-paying Jobs ( as well as ALL Jobs in general ), more & more MEN will NOT be able to afford WOMEN financially. Thus, the pool of the .. $$$ High-Valued Men $$$ .. will gradually & Inevitably decline even more exponentially.

Furthermore, many Men will have less & less Excess Money available to contribute to Women similar to what SIMPS are doing in Various ways currently. This is will be due to Automation / Technology continuing to advance faster & faster.

Therefore, there will be more people ( Men as well obviously) in the coming Years employed in Low-paying to Minimum wage jobs OR Unemployed, just trying to pay their Rent and make ends meet as the JOB POOL gradually Continues to Shrink. Equalling fewer Jobs and Less Money available to Spend and/or Waste.

In short, the MONEY for Women to Extort from ANY Man, Simp or Not, will not be there. Because Men will not have it to Give. Full Stop! This also means many people are going to be forced to Lower their Expectations and Standards or Suffer the Consequences. Hmmm ... sounds like a Gender we all know might be in for a Very Rough Ride and will Not be the Cock Carousel.

Nonetheless, actually, this has already begun to happen over the last few years where more & more Jobs are being Downsized and Phase out and the Majority of Jobs in the Job Market being created Comparatively are Low-paying to Minimum wage jobs. This has ALL been happening & Trending around the World over the last few Years and it gaining gradual Momentum and will Inevitably continue.

So in light of the aforementioned information, it's not philosophies like MGTOW that will be End or Prevent many Men from Simping. Its the steady Advancement of Automation / Technology continuing to Downsize and Phase OUT Decent-paying Jobs ( as well as ALL Jobs in general ) that will in all likelihood cause the Decline & eventual End to SIMPING.

And this is one of those "Elephants in the Room " people are generally overlooking, either naively, purposely, or perhaps selectively. But Regardless, all this is gradually happening and I very much doubt it will take more than 15-20yrs at most ( So Not a Long time as Some might think ) to have a noticeable impact at the rate everything is occurring.

However, one of the good silver linings in all this, "Women will Truly be Most Affected".
Winning! lol. :D

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Sir_666 4 years ago

@MrA_H0Ie: yes I do and perhaps you may wish to verify its various definitions. I posted another response on here to you to give you one of those relevant definitions.

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Immortal_Liberty 4 years ago

incorrect. your whole argument falls apart because you have no clue what mgtow even is. it is the consequence, not the cause. The cause were the misandric divorce laws, and women in mass are desperate to marry MANY,countless wealthy men,as there's way more men who earn more than women who earn more, and yet these men REFUSE to marry or even co-habitate. Why? because they know the laws. The minority of men who are simps are only ones to be affected in the future potentially by automation, but it is not why marriages have been declining fast for many years now. You fail to understand what mgtow is. A symptom, not the cause, and not a symptom of automation either. Furthermore, Japan already has 50% of all jobs automated,and they also have citizen income, where people get money if they were laid off due to automation taking their place. The machines are more productive and faster,and all the revenue generated by the machines ,the payments are simply sent to the ex-employees as citizen income. This is being implemented more and more. Self-driving cars are now in mass market as of 2020, sold by BMS and Volvo to both truck companies and civilians. Fully automated cars were worked on for over 20 years,and now on the market,bugs gotten rid of finally.

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Immortal_Liberty 4 years ago

So once the industries are automated more, new people who never lost a job to begin with, they will get a standard good life quality basic income, but f you want more, you'd have to give society value, be it artistic or creative endeavours of any kind, arts, or skillsets that machines can't do, like running programming and said machinery. Those will be the new top10% so to speak, even in a basic income guaranteed automation world.

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Sir_666 4 years ago

@Immortal_Liberty: I believe you should try and dial down your anger and BTW, I understand what MGTOW is. It's a philosphy. So I believe we'd be on the same page on that front. Furthermore I never stated MGTOW was caused by AUTOMATION nor a Symptom of it; you're going off on some tangent, friend. And no, Simps will not be the Only ones affected by AUTOMATION and it's Progressive effects of Downsizing and Phasing out jobs in coming future Years. That's just wishful thinking on you or anyone's part. ( Sorry if that upsets you or anyone else, but that's just the way it will be inevitably). Japan is predicted to reach 50% Workforce Automated in 2030; it is NOT at that point Currently and I found NO Source to support the Claim that it is Otherwise. ( If you've a source, please cite it. I'd be interested, thanks). Lastly, as for AUTOMATED/Self-driving Cars, they are NOT in mass market as of 2020 - there are Cars with self driving features but they're NOT fully Automated. Otherwise, you're misinformed. In actuality, they were speculated to be debuted in Mass market by 2025. But now that has been estimated to be more likely the year 2030 or 2040. You or anyone can read more on that here >>

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Sir_666 4 years ago

@Immortal_Liberty: I agree with your last comment, that as AUTOMATION progresses forward with more Jobs phased out people will have to become more creative and reinvent themselves if they wish to create extra Income for themselves on top of the Universal Basic Income, that will be likely introduced at some point in coming years. This will be until AUTOMATION reaches a 100% globally.

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Immortal_Liberty 4 years ago

Your analysis is completely false, All the statistical data LITERALLY PROVES you wrong. You seem delusional, Sandy boy. Financial Times even and others have shown how data shows that by 2030, at minimum 53% of women aged 40 will have no children NOR a man. This is up from 14% of women not having any children by age 40 back in 1990. That is at least a 4X multiplier in just 40 years. Just last year we had yet another RECORD LOW fertility rate in USA since records began in 19th century, and the year prior was a record low before 2019 etc. 2020 will have a new record low again,and those kids were conceived before coronavirus lockdowns in March. And 2021 data will be much worse even more due to lockdowns, unemployment, a huge increase in divorces, huge cancellation of marriages, and women being unable to start relationships even more. ALL statistics now show this, all divorce lawyers and marriage stats for 2020 show this. You are clueless and in denial,Sandy boy. Fertility rate is EXPONENTIALLY collapsing at a quickening pace, now talks of the SHEconomy are established,where vast majority of women will not have children in their 40s in a decade, the 53% minimum of 40yr old women with no kids were ones who had no man EITHER, but women who have a man and will have no kids still,if you add those, then you will get about 80% of ALL women,by age 40, will have no children. You seem clueless and need to research,fast. You're stuck in 2008 it seems,still.

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Immortal_Liberty 4 years ago

@MrA_H0Ie: seems you don't know meanings of words. Exponentially means the collapse is speeding up, each year a greater amount than the prior year. Go learn.

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