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Black Pigeon Shrieks - MGTOW

Published on 31 Mar 2020 / In People & Blogs

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MGTOW: Symptom of a Dysfunctional Society

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a specific topic so I wanted to put my 2 cents in on a relatively recent video by Black Pigeon Speaks. Link is in the description. It's a thoughtful video and I enjoy his content. I have my notifications setting on my phone set so that I never miss his work. Most of what he says in this video is correct. I'd say about 95% of it. First of all he's right that MGTOW is a symptom of a
dysfunctional society and not the cause of that dysfunction. What I believe he fails to mention is that any self respecting man these days doesn't want to start a family with the women he's able to attract. He has to date down below his sexual marketplace value which is something I've tried for 15 years with two women. I wanted to have a family and to procreate but I also wanted a relationship with a woman that was my equal and I never found the right woman. Even if I found the right woman how long could I keep her happy because a good woman has limitless options. I'll get to my review of Black Pigeon's video in a sec but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Red Pill Cornseason Production: Anyways, now back with the video. For me MGTOW has allowed me to gain my mental freedom because inside of relationships and when in love my mental faculties are greatly deminished. It's also improved my financial life to a point where I will be able to retire in five or six years even with the current corona crisis. I've tripled my wealth in only four or five years. Black Pigeon says that women innitiate the majority of divorces and that MGTOW is logical. He is
essentially recapping the same things that most MGTOW channels say. This is in the first part of his video which comes to us in six sections plus a conclusion. In the second section he says that MGTOW is a bigger problem than people realise and that realitically only 0.5 percent of the male population have gone their own way. Also that society doesn't have to worry about them or us because we are harmless. I disagree with him when he says that many mgtows are involuntarily going their own way because they are unable to find a spouse. They aren't MGTOWs, they are incels. I believe he's getting the two terms mixed up. But I do agree that having too many idle men is a bad thing. My solution to the predicament our civilization finds ourselves in is different than going back to traditional family formation. I believe in using technology for the sexual release of men coupled with some sort of artificial womb and surrogacy. That would tie the productive capacity of men to society by turning them into single fathers and once again providing them, us a way to become enfranchised in the system again. This of all the abortions out there. If women had had those kids and gave them to men then we wouldn't need to import foreign migrants. Obviously most guys aren't going to cuch themselves by looking after some other guys baby that would have otherwise been aborted. But if for example as a society we made daycare and surrogacy dirt cheap and encouraged men to use those services you would see the rise in a new class of single fathers. I also think that MGTOW is needed because it convinces incels that they are MGTOWs and that saves lives because of cognitive disonence. When many incels discover MGTOW they stop being angry at their situation and the best metaphor I have found is the one where a guy stands up and says You can't fire me I quit. MGTOW empowers incels and encourages them to be hopeful about being single instead of hopeless.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

Sponsor Ad Photo Credits:

1. Very angry woman

2. young man with finger in his nose at a crowded place

3. Single parent family. Tired Halloween mom after work as clown on birthday on dark background.

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pwnzusauce 5 years ago

Mgtow was steadily growing in Reddit, they quarantined the sub so people wouldn't see how it kept growing. Same in jewtube, mgtow is getting censored and that's why we're here. same thing will happen to incels eventually.
As for bps, I did not agree with his points about mgtow because he was spouting stuff from a feminist script.
Thanks for the vid

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I'll join GAB for other MGTOW stuff too when I can. They seem more ethical then Reddit will ever be.

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EsterGym 5 years ago

incel therm trend is only increasing because of feminists and tradcucks.

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KEEPER 5 years ago

sandman i think 80% is a bit high of bps value. you are giving him way to much credit.
now of course his video was made in response to another persons work and not of his own.

but i remember a time only 2 or 3 years prior when bps understood these things much better. but as it seems he doesn't know much at all. it's almost like he's a speaker puppet for the blue pill ppl. or maybe his channel was getting stale and his views were getting fewer and he needed to create some kind of conflict to get ppl to view his content? you never know.

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AntiCuck1982 5 years ago

i never saw anybody call themselves "incel", it's a derogatory term

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KEEPER 5 years ago

the term was shorten, but the main meaning is still there. celibate. it's only derogatory because what it's become recently.

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KEEPER 5 years ago

it's like the word cuck. or cucked. it's derived from cuckold. it had a meaning before the modern meaning. now it's a few other meanings as implied lol.

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AntiCuck1982 5 years ago

yeah dude , but a lot of those incel's searches are probably women looking for "knowledge" to use in shaming tactics

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