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Published on 03 Mar 2021 / In Other

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Doggk 3 years ago  

⁣▶ WHY MEN GO TO THAILAND - [ PART 2 ] - TOP VIDEO OF THE YEAR !!! : https://www.mgtow.tv/v/ioOnF2



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Takingastand 3 years ago

I couldn't tell who was male or female. I would end up picking up some chick with a dick......yuk!

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Pariah 4 years ago

Too low quality, so I missed 3, mistook a chick for a trap.

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ACOLYTE101 4 years ago

I got 9 out of 10. Mistook one lady for a man (safe bet, LOL!). Once you know how to spot them guys with tits, it's a hoot to look at the tourists walking off with a stunning ladyboy to a nearby hotel.

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sauger1001 4 years ago

In spite of what happened to me in the Phillippines, all things being equal, I'd be compelled to tell them to pull down their panties. Probably wouldn't work, but their reaction might give me a clue.

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RedPillSatori 3 years ago

I'm in the Phil. Usually the ladyboys just tell you up front ever since Jennifer Laude got killed in Olongapo.

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sauger1001 4 years ago

Same in the Phillippines (Marcos had just lifted martial law). One "guy" tried to pull that crap on me back in April of '81, while I was on leave. "He" put one hand on my privates, while the other was going into my pocket. I grabbed both hands and squeezed until "he" screamed at the top of his lungs (Lol). I told "him" I wanted to be left alone. "He" apologized, said "okay" repeatedly, and I kept walking.

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Doggk 4 years ago

You did the right thing but careful in asia.. When you get involved in a conflict with a local.. The authorities will always side for the locals even if they are wrong..

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sauger1001 4 years ago

@Doggk: You're right, and I found out "secondhand". Another Marine and I just left a restaurant, and were walking back to our base at Cubi Point, in the Subic Bay area, near Olongapo City. This was during that same period when I "encountered" the "binny boy". As we were walking, a woman called to him (he was an Hawaiian, who was fluent in Tagalog), and they talked. I just stood there listening. I got the impression, based on some words I understood, that she was accusing him of rape. We were just outside a constabulary (police station), and a policeman spoke to both of them, then asked the man to come with him (the cop said this in English). The man, who was carrying my articles of clothing (we stopped by the cleaners on our way back to the base), gave them to me, told me to "take care", then bolted down the street. The policeman drew his .45 revolver, and shot him. As the crowd gathered around the scene, I put my hanger with my uniform on my shoulder, and kept walking to the base. Never stopped, never said a word to anyone.

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RedPillSatori 3 years ago

@sauger1001: ..damn, I'm in Subic now . I heard things were brutal back in the Marcos era, but that's crazy

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sauger1001 3 years ago

@RedPillSatori: Back then he had imposed a 1:00a curfew, and if you weren't allowed outdoors during that time, the cops could shoot you. We usually left for the base around Midnight, but the E-club was pretty nice, so many of the women came onto the base. I had several women ask me to be their "escort" so they could get on base. No harm no foul, since many of them worked there anyway. Great food in the chow halls too.

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