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Bad Bad Anime Babes - MGTOW

Published on 15 Apr 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Dragon Ball: Chichi Learns How to be a Good Wife

SEXY Bulma Moments

MGTOW Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fctd6FrdwdA

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Indiana and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman! I love your videos, they have helped a lot after my divorce. Things made sense about why my ex acted the way she did. It didn’t matter how hard things were for me at work, (I worked 12hr shifts at the time in the mining industry) there just never seemed to be enough money. Before we had kids, she said she needed a few months to get things ready for the kids so she quit work, which at her skill level and pay, the money wasn’t missed much. But then she began sitting at the house watching tv, every time I came home there she was like Peggy Bundy. If I didn’t bring home food, I’d have to make some, but when I’d start making it, she’d get all huffy and stomp to the kitchen saying that she’d do it since I ALWAYS made a mess. I didn’t think I made anymore than she did, and since I was cooking why shouldn’t she clean? Her cleaning on the other hand, she said she’d be a great housewife for me and that she made up in her mind she would marry me before I even asked. She said she would’ve asked me if I didn’t ask her. I thought it was funny at the time, but then she stole $4000 from me and at first claimed someone had stolen the bag. She had a family heirloom in the bag with my money, and low and behold, she FOUND the ring in the front yard, the thieves MUST have dropped it! What other explanation could there be?!? Oh yay! We got her ring back. Phew! As long as she didn’t lose that little piece of her family, it was ok, to heck with my money. Strangely enough, when she left, she had an unusual amount of cash for someone who didn’t work... draw your own conclusions. Anyway sandman, thanks, I never would’ve found reason in all that without your videos. At one point in time, I was considering making myself a statistic because I couldn’t wrap my head around why the woman I loved would treat me so badly. As for my topic If you haven’t done a video on Bulma and ChiChi Otee Dotee Dragon Ball Z, you should really explore the topic. Chi Chi is a selfish creature by nature, making the seemingly “caring” choice, but in reality, it’s a choice that means the most to HER no one else. Her son Goku is capable, yet she thinks she’s loving by essentially saying that she would rather have her son weak and safe then dead, over having her son be brave and have the entire world stand a chance of surviving. Her Husband almost died, doesn’t even talk to him. Her husband dies, she doesn’t care, she only wants her son to be safe. Seems reasonable but if the world gets destroyed, Gohan wouldn’t even have a home or mom to go to. She made the choice that was closest to her without seeing how anything or anyone else is affected. Bulma on the other hand, uses sex to get her way and while she’s seen as street smart, in Dragon Ball she was using sex appeal to try and coerce a young Goku. Ages aside since it’s fictional, using sex to get her way is another stereotype. Essentially that’s what the show is, stereotypes, there’s even a bipolar female character. The men range from evil to heroic, selfless to cowardly, the women are generally not shown with too many good traits. Anyway, thanks again, and cheers!" Well Indiana thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Alaska Chaga:

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

3 Bigstock Photos Credits For Ad:

1. Young beautiful barista woman

2. Gorgeous young lady drinking coffee

3. portrait of attractive and sexy asian woman in sexy dress

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Mogulanon 5 years ago

I never thought about the show that way.

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logicalmgtow 5 years ago

I've been a fan of Dragonball Z for a long time. To clarify, Goku isn't related to Bulma or Chichi. He's from another planet. On earth they call him Goku but his original name is Kakarot. This clip should explain it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mym2yK0FNwE

I always found Chichi to be really annoying in DBZ. I could never live with someone like that. In that series it's not about protecting Gohan from getting hurt, Chichi just likes to force him to study which I suspect is so that he can make money for her later or something. I found another clip that shows how controlling Chichi is and how much of a weak simp Goku is. In this clip, Goku wants Gohan to train with him to prepare for a major battle but of course, to Chichi, Gohan's studies are somehow more important.

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AntiCuck1982 5 years ago

Yeah , i always hated chichi, but she's a realistic kind of woman... anybody but goku , would be nagged to death by that cunt. It's was the most hated character for me. Until we get to kale and caulifla... sigh

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kzsola84 5 years ago

I'm not sure if you get the series. Goku is the father, in 1 season's end as a reward he spends a whole day with he's family. i think they do the deed and so it he born.

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wobbie 5 years ago

"Live at work and just send home a cheque." Don't let that one out , it will cause much female saliva to be drooled.

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stobercam 5 years ago

My ex-wife stole from our checking account too, and then claimed that we had been hacked.

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JMGTOW 5 years ago

she's not wrong. she's the hacker, terrorist, and thief, all-in-one. did she changed the account password? if so, it'd be justified to bring her to the bank teller and asked about the account and who authorized the changing of passwords.

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