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Woman Collects 2000 Used Condoms Because She Likes The Smell - MGTOW

Published on 06 Jan 2021 / In People & Blogs

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

Woman collects 2000 used condoms and decorates her room

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Smitty The Goalie and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, It's tough picking a topic. How about MGTOW and the senior gent? Or your choice?" Well Smitty thanks for the donation and as you can see by the title I've picked my own Spicy topic. I'll discuss my thoughts on senior MGTOWs towards the end but first I want to discuss Tonje the Norwegian Woman, descended from vikings but now keeps man jizz that tried to explore her fiordes on the walls of her humble abode. She's hoarding the essence of man flavored sauce in what appears to me to be a weird art installation. I put the article depicting her debauchery in the description. In it her face is turned away from the camera because she doesn't want people to recognize her and laugh at her on the street. But the faces of the men's seed that's dangling there is pictured above every used condom. I'm suspicious of this story because every single one of the condoms is white. Where's the equality and inclusion. She should have at least had one token black one there. She's 27 years old and says she collects the condoms for fun and not because she has some sick and twisted fetish. Apparently her father is so proud of her hobby that he's helping her count them and she says she gets the condom from friends and is willing to pay money for them. I'll share more in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the clown world condom show. While this story is kind of old from a few years back I missed it back then and when I heard of it recently I thought I was being trolled by the Onion. So Tonje doesn't intend to stop collecting used condoms and tacking them to her apartment walls. She started her collection when she asked her boyfriend to keep a used condom because she liked the smell. Her boyfriend thought this was a strange red flag and left her because of it. Having 2000 used condoms on display also means that no one knows what her exact notch count is because she got many of them from friends and purchased some. Maybe she even has celebrity sperm too. Imagine if a man was doing this collecting panties from all the women he had been sleeping with and tacking the panties and their pictures up on the wall and having a picture of it taken and posted by a newspaper. I'm sure the cops would be busting in after all the women complained that their privacy had been violated. Because society does everything it can to protect women both physically and psychologically. But just imagine what a Voodoo witch doctor could do with all that spunk? Maybe Tonje is trying to virtue signal to the world that her value is dependent on how men she's slept with? Maybe Tonje was was also buying used condoms to increase the condom notch count to make other women jealous of all the men she captured an essence from? This woman has taken the example of the macho promiscuous man that she probably wants have projected it onto themselves in some sort of bizarre female condom chameleon to attract such a man. But it's disgusting. It already cost her her boyfriend once. Can you imagine being surrounded by an ocean of used twat pocket socks all around you. When you walk through an alleyway at night and you spot a used condom on the ground and you think it's disgusting and you do whatever you can to walk around it as far as possible. But here's a woman that doesn't care about that. She's running in the opposite direction and wants to break into the Guinness World Book of records with ten thousand condoms in her collection.

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Gross. AND in some of the other comments, the guys raise the issue of all the other perverty sick things that women get into / get off on.

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ErickRendoza 204
ErickRendoza 204 4 years ago

Better than some funnies from the far side woman collecting ball sacks or mens heads.

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WindSage 4 years ago

This is taking recycling to a whole other level.

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Alucard1776 4 years ago

Now that's nasty

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