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6 Years Oneitis Over A Girl - MGTOW

Published on 02 Nov 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from James and he didn't give me a topic so I'm going to share a message I received a while back from someone named Jay and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, My name is Jay I am 37 years old. I am single with no kids and I live in New York City. I want to say that your channel is very educational and very informative for us men understanding the red pill and MGTOW. I been having this oneitis for this one girl I used to work with 6 years ago at a big retail chain. When I first met her she was a transfer from another store location. She was also claiming to be a lesbian but yet she was surrounding herself with a lot of men at the job. I was focusing on my work until one day she approached me and we started taking. I found out she was into the same things I was into. I also thought she was very cool and attractive (regardless of sexual orientation) Time passes and we got to know each other more. As soon as I had the the courage the ask her out...she told me she was leaving for a better job. She also told me that I am one of the people closest to her that she wanted to hang out with. I felt touched, inspired but hurt at the same time. I gave her my number and kept in touched on Facebook but it just was not the same. I started blowing up her FB page asking her when are we going to hang out and always liking her posts. It came to a point when she posted on Facebook that someone was stalking her. I did not know if it was directed towards me or someone else. I had no choice but to delete her from my FB. Almost a year later I ran into her on the subway coming home from work. I approached her and she gave me a very nasty attitude. I shrugged it off and built a conversation with her. As I was about to get off at my stop we exchanged numbers once again. She texted me and I immediately texted her back but she never responded. A few weeks had passed. I texted her again but she never responded. So I deleted her number from my phone. There is more to this story and about the girl. I could use your help and want to get over her. I never had oneitis for a girl in such a long period of time. So basically my question to you is... how do I get over this oneitis? If you need any other info please let me know. Thank you" Well James thanks for the donation and thank you Jay for the comments and questions. Before I get to my thoughts about your 6 year oneitis let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission:

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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kingtongue 4 years ago

ONITIS is the love that you have for your mother projected onto a woman. To stop having onitis you have to cut the cord and decouple yourself from the mother and become a man.

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Haruhi 4 years ago

Just transfer your Oneitis to a waifu, or someone you know you would never meet IRL. I do both, and works. But, never, never, never, be a simp of a woman, don't give money to any women. ex. buy her nudes on onlyfans; pay to talk to her on Discord or whatnot... that's a extreme pathetically way of simping...

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Duugus 4 years ago

Anger does focus. War tool.

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Gfw5th 4 years ago

Urban Dictionary defines oneitis as: “An unhealthy romantic obsession or fixation for one person. This mental disease will often interfere with your ability to attract said person, due to your clinginess.”

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