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Real Crazy Cat Ladies - MGTOW

Published on 21 Apr 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Three Years Jail For Gene Editing Babies

Pig Monkey Chimera

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mabus and here's what he has to say: "Hello Sandman, You talk a lot about artifical wombs. We are at a point where the big obstacle is the law. And that's since 2017 and not current year. Therefore if any of us wants to develop and use an artifical Womb, they will break the law. Even China won't allow such things and this won't change anytime soon. Otherwise the scientist who altered the genome of two twins won't be jailed. He just wanted to give them HIV immunity. Only known side effect of that altered gene, it is suspected of raising the IQ as well. If any of us wants to go full mad scientist and build an artifical Womb at home, go all the way! Make a cat girl! First you need to practice the growth of embryos outside the womb - but hey, every men needs a hobby... Get some pets, doesn't really matter what as long as they are mammals. Now you give one female the blood serum or pee of a other female mammal in her first trimester. This triggers an super ovulation. Way cheaper as fetale bovine serum, but it does exactly the same. I suggest using the blood serum, but old pregnancy tests showed even the urin of a
pregnant women triggers the super ovulation. Now get the papers for artifical fertilisation, embryo development and the artifical wombs who helped premature lambs and start building! Once you got your first pet born out of a plastic bag we can go to the next step. Getting your hands on human stem cells. This sounds impossible without a willing female who sells her eggs, right? Yeah i never said it will be easy, that problem is up to you guys, solve it! But for now let's assume you solved that issue. Now we start with our cat girl creation. You will create a chimera for that purpose. Chimeras between primates and other mammals are possible. China proved it. With monkey pig chimeras. Not hybrids, chimeras! The message was clear, it is possible. However don't we want any cat girl, we want cute ones, that way only cat cells will develop at those areas we desire. Previous research proved this is possible by knocking out specific genes. However those researchers aborted before they could be born. Ethical issues or similar i assume. But assuming we can get around the technical limitations then the real work will begin on the cat girl! For the specific cat girl look, we would need a female human embryos and inject a few female pluripotent cat stemmcells. That way most of the developing embryo will be human. In case you are a furry, you might change this, but for now we asume you aren't. Now we knock out HOXA2, this would indicate the ear growth. Since it is now missing, only cat cells will grow there. I am not sure if the ear placement would be human like or cat like - or something in between? But there is just one way to find out. Next comes the optional knock out HOXA13. This will stop finger develolment and makes sure cat cells will develop there as paws. If you prefer human fingers, ignore this step. Now we need to knock out two genes at the same time, they form a biological clock that makes the spine. Lfng & Hes7, without them the human part can't produce a spine and a cat spine will form in their place, including a fluffy tail. Side effect might be a furry back above the spine. Some of you might think the ears, paws and tail will be cat sized - don't worry, the size is not controled by those genes but by hormons we didn't touch. Chimeras develop the same size all around their organism. Studys of rat-mouse chimeras proved this multiple times. However there is the risk that some other random body parts become more cat like as well. This can't be controled, maybe one eye, maybe a patch of furr somewhere or a part of the brain. But don't forget, you grow it in a artifical womb. You can always take a peak and in case it looks like a monster, you can always abort and start all over. Don't forget, your bio-bag, your choice. If you followed those steps, you will have a lot of hard work and a lot of research to master. However you will also gain a cute baby cat girl! It should grow at the same rate as any other human baby. And if you used your own sperm with the donated egg cell, it will be even your own self made cat daughter.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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Monkman 5 years ago

@sandman: I d like to point out another great movie on the downsides of messing around with human genetics: Gatacca.
Sadly enough this really might be a possible future.

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Please get the artificial wombs stem cells to cure my hypothyroidism please.

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AntiCuck1982 5 years ago

Neferpitou Waifus soon

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AntiCuck1982 5 years ago

@MrA_H0Ie: yeah... you're right .... add all that to female disergard for others and pleasure in destroying , and it would be disastrous

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