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My Mother Robbed Me - MGTOW

Published on 03 Jul 2020 / In People & Blogs

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Steve and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, This is just a story that shows how the Me generation plans to shift from using their parents to using their (in this case, male) children as providers. Might be useful as supporting documentation for a future video. Here's a summary of the article. The mother worked, and helped pay for son’s college. Other than that, she never managed to save anything. Now she plans to move in with him and have him take care of her in her old age. Single mother, of course. Spent almost every dollar she ever earned, albeit some on his college. She basically invested her retirement savings in his education, and now she plans to reap the rewards. Hope you are doing well and staying safe. Would love to hear what you did with your finances that was so effective? Cheers!" Well Steve thanks for the donation and topic. I put a link in the description to that article you sent me called: "My Retirement Plan Is You, Americans without retirement savings are increasingly moving in with their millennial children." I'll discuss it in the first part of the video and towards the end I'll discuss my
financial situation. Both what was effective and what wasn't. But before I do that let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now onto the video. It's about a 35 year old guy that was living in Chelsea in Manhattan with three or four roommates splitting the rent. But now his seventy-eight year old mother is moving in. That means she was 43 when she had him. I bet he's counting his luck that he's not a down baby. He looks mixed so he might have been adopted. She worked for forty years in the hotel business until she was laid off and then took odd jobs and lived in government assistance housing. The article mentions that she spent much of her retirement money to pay for his edumacation as an aspiring freelance filmmaker. At least she paid for him to follow his passion instead of getting a practical degree. Out there somewhere Aaron Clarey is starting to scream. She was also a single parent raising two kids and when the money ran out she decided to fall back on her son. That's what women have done for survival throughout much of history. They would turn one simp into a son for survival later in life. So I don't see how this is shockingly unexpected. Especially today with out of control real estate prices in both Boston and New York where this woman and her son live. At the same time you're seeing more millenials than ever living with their parents. In big cities basic one bedroom appartments are half a million dollars to rent and two and a half grand a month to rent. Poorer millenials are moving in with their wealthier parents and poorer parents are moving in with their children. It might be better for this guy name Sian-Pierre to live with his mother then roommates. She could help him with cooking and cleaning as she used to clean hotel rooms for a living. This article from the New York Times is trying to paint this as perfectly normal during the coronachan because with all the job losses out there it means there are going to be all kinds of quirky living arrangements
going forward. Multiple generations living in the same house is going to be much more common going forward from here.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

centrral banks will NEVER allow private crypto........ they will declare it counterfeit

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