Single Mothers Are The Best - MGTOW

Published on 06 Oct 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a two different donors Boycott Mexican Beer and Teaven. I'll cover what Mr. Beer wants me to cover first and then get to Teaven. So here's Boycott Mexican Beer has to say and I quote: "Hi Sandman, Here's my video request: some parents stand by as their daughter marries or has a baby with the quote unquote wrong guy and then welcome back the daughter when the couple breaks up. The parents then raise the grandchild and mention the father as an inconvenient truth. The parents seem relieved to have their daughter back and the grandchild is treated as the grown daughters little sister/ toy. The father was just an unfortunate sperm donor etc. Is this similar to a woman loving her child but being terribly ashamed of the father so she never mentions him? Stay strong and boycott Mexican Beer." Well Mr. Beer thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. Single mothers returning to their parents place has become more common because of financial reasons. But it has to do with other reasons less spoken about. My generation, generation X we were fairly independent when it came to the way we were raised. We were free range kids. We could ride our bikes and go anywhere we wanted. In the 1980s our parents left us home alone and we usually came home to an empty house while our parents were still at work. The kids we used to mock were the ones that stayed in school after official classes were done waiting for their parents to pick them up. That was maybe five to ten percent of kids. But with the millennials I saw the opposite trend of not being allowed to be left alone. Always having to be busy doing stuff. I think this change in parenting styles has a lot to do with women taking over marriage and making demands that their simp husbands have to obey if they want to get laid. Women like keeping busy so they force their kids to busy too. Remember it was Bill Burr that said in his comedy routine that women see a calendar and they see an empty spot and they say to themselves look there's some free time let's fill it up with stuff and the man and kids have to go along with that. As a consequence many millenial kids were coddled and not allowed to take responsibility or do anything for themselves. So when many women from that generation are now becoming mothers they are making terrible moms. When the marriage fails and they head back to their parents place the child naturally gravitates to the grand parents because they actually have somewhat more parenting skills than their own parents. I've observed this a lot where kids disrespect their parents but not their grandparents. Kids also tend to want to hang out with mentally healthy people and their grand parents messed up their parents making many millenial single mothers incapable of raising their own children and now the grand parents are doing the same to their grand kids. The question we should be asking is who will raise their great grand children when their grand kids become parents? This is where social cohesion in families breaks down completely. We need to look on the bright side. At least if the grandfather is present if the single mothers child is a boy then he'll have a role model so that he doesn't grow up to become a criminal. If you're one of those divorced guys out there and have kids with your ex and she's cut you out of their life it's not such a bad idea that she moves in with her parental units because the kids will be exposed to male authority. I had a friend where his father wasn't around but his grandfather was there and he learned life skills like driving, woodworking, car mechanics and how to act like a man from the grand
father. If he never had that he might have ended up in the jail.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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Sam68 4 years ago

Which cancer you pick up ? :)

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

they're pretty good at attracting pedophiles...

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sauger1001 4 years ago

Oy Vey? LMAO!

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KEEPER 4 years ago

reverse psychology sandman ?

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jamesmgtow88 4 years ago

god damne sandman you are MGTOWs Nietzsche

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MoonBase 4 years ago


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