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Publicado en 25 Feb 2021 / En Sin fines de lucro y activismo

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HanLockhart 4 años hace

Man, I was like, "Lift him up, lift him up. LIFT HIM UP!"

And she finally lifted him up, what a relief. Thanks be to God.

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ShadowMonk 4 años hace

Well if he were older, he would’ve been dead because he would’ve weighed more.

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Wolf178 4 años hace

Sister's thought process was a little slow but at least she got there, my big question is WHERE THE FUCK WAS THIS KIDS PARENTS. When I was still with the egg doner I watched my boys like a HAWK. Now they are out of state with the BABY MOMMA TERRORIST

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Doggk 4 años hace

These things can happen to anyone.. 5 minutes inattention and kids do stupid things..

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@Doggk: Yeah.... it only takes a few seconds or a few minutes... It sort of annoys me to have the nanny state police state in over drive but kids accidentally kill themselves all the time, in swimming pools, running out onto the roads, getting into poison chemicals - which is why we have gates and fences that are "top locked" with designs that small kids cannot open, and child proof caps and locked cabinets etc.

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SithKing 4 años hace

@Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson: bro its fucking china they have 0 regard for human life. ive seen so many people die on the dark web in china and most people there dont give a single fuck. a kid got run over and was there for hours before someone moved his lifeless corpse off the road

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SithKing 4 años hace

@Doggk: stupid things like putting a rope around ur neck and standing on a rolling barrel...? thats natural selection at that point, dumb lil fucker should have won a darwin award

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Wolf178 4 años hace

@Doggk: trust me I know. When I was very young, my family and grand parents went to the beach. They all had their attention away from me, they were disciplining my brother. I got caught in a riptide and went under. Wasn't till years later that my mom told me my ex- marine of a dad flew across the sand and water to save my ass.

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ShadowMonk 4 años hace

@SithKing: Yeah I agree...China is simply a criminal regime built on the religious hegemony surrounding the evil man who killed way more people than ever Hitler or Stalin combined. Maoism is such a terrible ideology and is the worst most evil from of Communism ever.

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sauger1001 4 años hace

@SithKing: I got myself in plenty of trouble as a young boy. It's part of growing up, or dying young.

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sauger1001 4 años hace

@sauger1001: My cousin and I (I was 8yrs old, he was 11) were playing "Tug of War", up in a treehouse. Not a smooth move for either of us. He let go, and I fell out of the tree, flat on my back. I cried for a while, more from fear than anything else. I'm still here, 55yrs later. I guess it just wasn't yet "my time".

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sauger1001 4 años hace

@Wolf178: No offense, but no such thing as an "ex Marine", once you graduate Boot Camp. Once a Marine, always a Marine.

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Wolf178 4 años hace

@sauger1001: true to form my friend

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Councilof1 4 años hace

That was nice. Thankfully it worked it worked out well. Good for him she was there.

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thunderwarrior 4 años hace

glad it didn't ended badly for this family, nice quick reaction from the sister

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HanLockhart 4 años hace

Actually slow, but she is just a kid.

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