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50 Year Old Women Hot Or Not? - MGTOW

Published on 08 Dec 2020 / In Film & Animation

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- The MGTOW Book Collection

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I'm requesting on the fact that I am avoided and completely ignored by any and all women under 30. However. . . If women are 50+, I can't get rid of them. They keep telling me about their lives and going on and on up the street. Even if I don't know them! A possible title for this video could be: "Oh. . . NOW you're available!". Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and topic. Ironically I was talking to a man in his thirties on Skype recently and he told me that 22 year old women appear to show interest in him when he's at the store. I say appear to show interest because he goes in there with his kid. Every woman loves children and animals so of course they will talk to you if they get a chance to interact with a cute kid. It's either that or if he still has women in their twenties approach him in public then they either find him irresistibly attractive or they are just messing with him and the moment he gives them any attention they will just ignore them. Maybe younger women they want to know they can get his attention. Unlike the other guy who seems to be only attracting women that are close to getting their pension. I'll get to more of my thoughts in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways, now back to the video. So Mr. Anonymous if it isn't obvious by now those women over fifty have extremely limited options when it comes to getting attention from men. They have the problem of not having a readily available emotional tampon so they are using you as one. Your idea of calling the video Oh now you're available is a bit of a joke. They aren't interested in dating you necessarily. They are desperate to dump their verbal diarrhea on your head so that they make themselves feel better. You're nothing but a relief valve because they have a vulva. I used to work at Bingo Halls and they were full of old women that wouldn't shut up and let me do my job. Were they going there to gamble or was gambling just an excuse to socialize and talk to myself and other guys that worked there? As we get older we want less and less people around and they need us more than ever. It makes me wonder what the social world would be like out there if there were anti psychotic and anti depressant medications out there that many women are taking. There would armies of emotional starved women chasing men on the street like some sort of attention zombies. Maybe the Middle Aged Thotpocalypse has begun as Mr. Anonymous clearly stated that women are going on and on all over the street telling him about their lives. They are becoming invisible in public because more men are busy looking at their phones and younger and more attractive women then they are them. With the marriage rate at or under fifty percent there are a lot of single soon to be senile women afraid of dying alone in the future and afraid of losing their minds today if they don't find an emotional tampon to tell their life story of being a sexy cheerleader back in 1983. They want younger guys that were playing with Gi Joe's back then to now play with them. Actually more likely they just want a short term attention fix because for women it represents the equivalent of sex for men. Also Mr. Anonymous you say that you can't get rid of them.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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Hairy Monkey
Hairy Monkey 4 years ago

On these augmented reality glasses, a potential outcome will be the movie Death Race 2050. Check it out.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

NO 50-60 YR old MAN would ever give them the time of day......... the MEN know females too well to EVER even say 'hello'

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

she is young man practice...... 50yrold wall hitter, post-menopause, roast beef slaughter house p-sleeve....... just makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck...... nag, talk, NO THANKS

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

Gentlemen ! A younger crowd of boy type men that must be the offspring of single mothers . They Are infiltrating MGTOW tv ! They are HATERs of everything ! They are making us MGTOW men look like shit to the rest of the Manosphere . They are changing the channel from Men trying to teach other Men of the Dangers of getting married or the metoo movement or how the Law fuck's you in Family court . These young men just talk about hating Blacks or Jew's or the Government turning MGTOW into a Hate Group . If we let this go on MGTOW-TV Will DIE and go out of Business ! All we can do is Not watch or Subscribe to there Channels . STOP THE HATE & SAVE MGTOW-TV ... ! Thank you for your Attention .

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

MEN dont really care what these simps think....... they have ZERO knowledge of anything..........twaddle peddlers

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Bagoodman 4 years ago

@scott sanger: Yes I know but we just cant sit back and let these small minded punk's Wreck Amr's Business. ...Go watch a video of Metal_X and see what I'm talking about . Thanks .

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DYNOMITE 4 years ago

spread the redpill knowledge brothers. Save a young mans kife

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