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Future Of The Sandman Channel - MGTOW

Published on 20 Nov 2019 / In News & Politics

Sponsor Link:
- The MGTOW Book Collection
- www.amazon.com/Tim-Patten/e/B00M4QL16A/ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_2?qid=1544930598&sr=8-2

MGTOW Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnlxugk3Qb0

SubscribeStar.com: https://www.subscribestar.com/sandman

Brave Browser: https://brave.com/san644

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video isn't brought to you by any donations because once again after YouTube throttled my channel down my new subscribers are down by a 80%. The day I'm scripting this video my channel got fifty-five thousand views but not a single donations. Thanks to everyone that's supporting me through Patreon and Subscribestar. You normally lose supporters all the time and new channel subscribers replace those that leave. But as new people don't arrive and the old leave it's YouTube's way of screwing you. Anyways, before I discuss the future of this channel and some new things I might want to try to fight back against the soft censorship I'm facing let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor The MGTOW Book Collection: Anyways now back to my whining and complaining. I'm facing the same issues that Stefan Molyneux was talking about a while back. I don't think I'm the only channel dealing with this right now. I think that's why every single channel the first links you see in their video descriptions are paypal, subscribestar, patreon and bitcoin addresses. I already put the sponsor links first and I don't want to make the Paypal, Patreon and Subscribestar links handy to take donations. It was never a priority for me. I always felt that if you build it they will come and that was true until June of 2019 and the Voxadpocalypse and Carlos Maza being used as an excuse to completely demonitize hundreds of channels and get many of them thrown off of YouTube. The red pill community has always been ahead of the times. Many of use used online advertising and advertising in general to succeed at first. But I'm going to predict that it's a dying model in five to ten years. People will start asking themselves why are they not installing ad blockers. I know that most of you probably twenty thousand or so listeners won't donate a single cent. If you can't help then all I ask is you download the Brave Browser and use it on an ongoing basis. Tell YouTube and Susan that the future is ad free so it won't matter if corporations like CNN monopolize YouTube and get the most views because in the end if we make the brave browser popular and people start adopting it's crypto currency then we can kill two birds with one stone. We can monetize all the creators using it. For example I get about forty bucks a month from the people visiting my channel that use it each month. It's not much but it grows exponentially as more people adopt it. I've also already gotten two thousand of you guys to use it for more than thirty days over the last six months. The estimate is that this means ad networks lose about seventy to one hundred bucks a year for every person that signs up on Brave. Two thousand people times $85 is 170,000 dollars a year. As for the future of my channel I thought about building a website but Google adsense changed it's rules so no obsolete rules on there. Plus as I said online advertising isn't the future.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by "Videezy.com"

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ImLiberated 5 years ago

You introduced me to MGTOW and it has changed my life for the good. So let me give you an advice, if you are not aware already, a youtube purge is on its way in 2020 where they are going to demonetize everyone except a select few of their 'favored' channels, so If it were me, I'd not consider dropping too many eggs in the youtube basket. Just something to think about. Love your work as always :)

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Sandman 5 years ago

Thanks dude! I was 85% demonitized in November 2019 and 100% demonitized in June of 2019. Why do you think I'm on MGTOW.tv and have built up my Bitchute following? I'm getting more subscribers on Bitchute each day when compared to YouTube. In the most ideal situation I go from 12,000 subscribers to 50,000-100,000 on Bitchute before YouTube bans me. At that point I'm safe. I'm gaining 18,000 subscribers a year on Bitchute right now. That means I need 2 years to get to my target. Hopefully I can make it there sooner rather than later.

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