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Blabbermouth Babes - MGTOW

298 Ansichten
Veröffentlicht auf 13 May 2020 / Im Leute & Blogs

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- Ancient Purity
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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Tom and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, it's Tom again with my second upcoming donation. I figure since you're having a harder time and I have full job security I'll help you out for a couple months. I owe you for the endless red pills I've been taking. I'd like to use this opportunity to talk about one of the things that made me a MGTOW and turned me off from dating. If you don't mind, let's call this episode "Blabbermouth Babes". I began observing this particular phenomenon starting around late high school to college, when people's horny horny hormones start to ramp up into maximum overdrive. My best friends all slowly started to get into
relationships around this time. One habit I noticed between my 3 best friends is that they all at some point during the day were mandated to whip out their phones and talk to their plantation owner for nearly hours on end, usually about absolutely nothing. I'm not quite sure how women can do it. I've even had friends that were in long distance relationships talk to women they only ever met once in person, sometimes for 2-3 hours while we were supposed to be all hanging out and participating in our hobbies together. How is it that the modern woman (despite social media attention) still require multiple hours of attention a day from their male slave every single day? I suspect some of these women talk
for over 24 hours a week on their cell phones, decreasing the productivity of both themselves as well as their man. This has only gotten worse with the creation of voice chat with video, because now there are women that expect their man to facetime with them instead, ensuring they have their undivided attention. I actually think this is worse than talking on the phone normally because you can see the woman in her natural state: lying around in her pajamas surrounded by snack wrappers, clothes strewn about the room, and a layer of grease an inch thick on her forehead. Being in the military I see this nonstop. Bossy and unpleasant women that demand their man be on facetime with them every waking moment
that they aren't busy working, and undoubtedly banging out Chad and Tyrone across the country when they're not on the phone. It's also not a mystery why they also seem to do it exactly at the time when they know that their little attention slave is hanging out with his friends, and not worshiping her golden camel toe. I can only guess this is an attempt to condition him for marriage, where he will be denied his right to hang out with his friends whenever he
pleases. What do you think Sandman? You've been around for most of the biggest leaps in the advancement of telecommunication, so I'm sure you've got a great input on these gabby gals and their insatiable thirst for running their mouths." Well Tom thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a second but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Ancient Purity:

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Background Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""

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wroger_wroger 5 Jahre vor

One of the things the more mentally atuned men do, is talk in singe sentences and short phrases. It's direct and to the point. It's said and done in very short time spans.
One of the things the more idiot women do, is talk streams of useless, pointless shit - and they do it for hours.
The BEST girl FRIEND I ever had was a transgender (man to woman) woman - I will NOT go into any issues around that. She was a friend and a very good friend - an in the sense that "she" in our conversations, she had all the smarts of a man, without all the bullshit of a woman... She unfortunately got cancer and died and I really miss her... We only ever met once or twice face to face as we lived a HUGE distance apart, but a phone call once or twice a week was a very rewarding experience. I am very grateful for having had that friendship. I find the average woman to generally be vacuuous and extremely limited in the breadth and depth of subject matter and awareness's, and to be very limited in their intelligence to process "the world and reality".

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mrghoster 5 Jahre vor

I don't know if you have this word in america or other parts of the world ? But in the UK we have an old Anglo Saxon word for what women talk like. that word is "BOLLOCKS". It means an old pair of "BULL's nut's", so women are NUT'S so they talk "BOLLOCKS"! lol! A little factoid for you their!

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mrghoster 5 Jahre vor

Have you ever REALLY listened to women talking? It's like listening to two toddler kid's taking to each other on completely different subjects! lol! This is because women like to talk AT people about THEMSELVES. Yep! women fdon't talk to you , they talk AT you! lol!

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sauger1001 5 Jahre vor

"Waahmen are like children..." Jackie Chan, from the movie, "Snake And Crane Arts Of Shaolin".

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