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Getting Revenge On Women Is A Waste Of Time? - MGTOW

Published on 23 Dec 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Surviving 4th Wave Feminism

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Email: Sandmanmgtow @

Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Teaven and here's what he has to say: "Hey sandman, I was intrigued by one of your videos where you talked about how men shouldn't use women's own tactics against them. The video where a man told a woman that she was like a brother to him now that he's successful and she's looking to him as a backup plan. I think that's just men like myself just looking for retribution to women that put us towards The side or as a backup plan. No one likes to be a backup plan. And I to have fallen for the vengeful pill as I like to call it. But sometimes I now just use success as my revenge. To get back at all those who mocked me. They say women are vindictive but as I look at myself and hear other stories like the man who told his wife "I want you to suffer just as much as you've made me suffer" Right before he killed his 2 daughters and shot her in both her knees and then himself I know I probably use that story a lot but It makes you wonder how far you're willing to go to get back at someone and have the last laugh until the end. Cheers" Well Teaven thanks for the donation and topic. It's just in time for what happened to me with regards to the Brave Browser and my promotion of it. They contacted me a month before their referral program was ending and offered to extend it to me going forward after they shut it down for most affiliates by the end of November. So I was happy that I would keep that source of revenue. Then a few weeks later they threw me out of the program and kept somewhere around eight to ten thousand dollars of my money. I should have been angry and pissed off. I fantasized about taking the email address of the guy that offered me the extension of the affiliate program and share with everyone so he would get a ton of nasty emails in his inbox for being a dick. But I didn't do it because by this point in my life I realize that whenever I'm successful at something, ie giving Brave around one percent or more of the total affiliate's to their program in the last year that I get shut down by people that work for a company. The same thing happened with my YouTube channel and demonetization as well as Amazing Media Dot Com back in the ancient year 2000. One day they just cancelled my account even after allowing my domain at that time to run their 468 by 60 banner ads back then. That was the standard size back in the late nineties. I was pissed So what I did was go on a harassment campaign where I typed up all work and no pay makes jack a dull boy and started emailing everyone in their company over and over again for many many days. This was in the days before spam filters. If you want to hear what happened first you'll have to listen to today's sponsor Surviving 4th Wave Feminism: Anyways, now back to the video. As I was saying I kept sending the employees of not so Amazing Media emails over and over again and in the end they capitulated and sent me the money they owed otherwise I would continue. So why not do the same thing today to Brave or women that I used to date? For one thing when it comes to revenge on women or corporations I realize it's like you're a frog in that story carrying the scorpion on his back across the river. But in my story the scorpion isn't going to sting you every time you take him across the river. It might be the second or third time. The tenth time or the twentieth time. You don't know when it's going to happen you just know it will at some point. Just like when you're in a relationship you know it's going to fall apart at some point so you never invest your full self into it because the woman you love can double cross you for what seems to be no reason.

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Video Motion Graphics Credits:
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RoboCat 4 years ago

The best revenge is to walk away from them and live a good life.

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csehszlovakze 4 years ago

Vivaldi is a much better browser than Brave. Try it and see how you like it.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

females just act like females....... most of the problems is MEN dont truly understand females and MEN expect females to act more like MEN...... the scorpion always strings the frog..... no matter what.

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Johnny_Cage 4 years ago

Thank you, sanger! Bingo!! Even many 'red-pill' men seem to expect and desire women to act like rational, honorable men. Many talk a good game, but still cannot get that programming out of their heads completely.

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