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Keep Kids Away From Feminists - MGTOW

Published on 08 Apr 2020 / In Film & Animation

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation form Ram Slam and here's what he has to say: "Hey Sandman, I was wondering if anyone asked you about this topic before? You've mentioned that you are willing to raise your own child through the surrogate process if you ever decide to have one and that you will use nannies to help you raise them. Considering the fact that women are affected by feminism, how would you guarantee that your child will not be influenced by a nanny to support feminist ideas? Hence causing troubles in your relationship with you child. Thank you and keep me anonymous. Well Ram Slam thanks for the donation and topic. I'll get to it in just a second but let me tell you about today's sponsor the Shawn James Book Collection: Anyways, now back with the show. A nanny is typically used for the first three or four years of a kids life until they start going to kindergarten. After that someone such as myself will either work exclusively from home or be retired and have enough free time to raise a child without having to worry about too much outside supervision. I've had clients of European descent here in Canada hire nannies to help them with their kids up until they began going to school. I'd see the kids cry when the nanny was fired by their mothers. Obviously the children get attached to them. But I think that's a good lesson for a three or four year old boy. Learning that he can't rely on female figures for emotional support and safety. Sure the kid can have his Aunts and female cousins to interact with that will help them adjust. Remember it's not the mother and father that are supposed to raise a kid in the isolation of a nuclear family. It takes a village to raise a child and the way the world is these days kids are being raise by the village people. Plus I've known elderly people where the parents passed away due to tuberculosis and had childhood friends that passed away due to polio and they were better human beings than the over coddled kids you see today. As for protecting a son that I would have through surrogacy from feminism. Sure the nanny might be a feminist but she's gone after a couple of years and as most of you know most of us don't remember much of anything before the age of three or four. So I'm not really worried about a feminist nanny. I'm more worried about a feminist school system. But even then kids up to the age of eleven or twelve look up to the authority of their fathers far more than the authority of their mostly female teachers these days. I would be worried about feminism turning my son into a complete cuck if I was married and had to bite my tongue around a politically correct wife and the only time I was able to use that tongue would be to give her a sphincter massage. If you've ever been in a long-term relationship you'll notice the tone policing and language controls that a wife or girlfriends lays down on you if you want to get laid.

10 images licensed and paid for through All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by ""
Christmas Tree Light Bokeh by ""

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

i would NOT HAVE CHILDREN today.. the laws , the family courts, the abandonment of society........... the next 25 years are going to be hell , no need to add another issue........... get a dog, much better.

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libertyanyday 5 years ago

females coddle children till 5, then its DADS turn to provide real world learning .,,, females have NO ABILITY to raise a young adult.....,,MALE or female.

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AntiSJWCunts 5 years ago

feminists are the new nazis

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