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How To Red Pill Your Son - MGTOW

Published on 25 Nov 2019 / In News & Politics

Sponsor Link:
Body Transformation Made Simple

MGTOW Mystery Link: www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Xy7DRT7MuI&fbclid=IwAR2oPLlOEG6_5fcp9IsVarftgbvZasKiheD53izmFkrSZ1wfDdOVOi1FKkk

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Johnpil and here's what he has to say: "Hi Sandman, I have 2 sons in their beginning teens and I watch your MGTOW content with great interest. With my donation, I would want you to make a video about what to tell 16-18 (sixteen to eighteen) year old boys about women/girls and this from a MGTOW point of view. It is very easy for adult men to understand MGTOW concepts, becauses most adult men experienced them. But how do you explain MGTOW concepts to young men, who must know these concepts BEFORE they will experiece them, but are not that experienced yet to grasp the MGTOW ideas? How can you prepare young boys for the dangers of girls/women without making them afraid of girls/women while their male hormones are raging and encouraging them to bang as much girls as possible and as soon as possible? For instance, how can I prevent them not to make them selves unhappy by trying to be a white knight? After hearing lots of Sandman MGTOW videos, I understand it is vital for young men that they have a decent notion about MGTOW knowledge, but till now I could not find a video that clearly explains that. Sandman, could you
create a video for this topic?" Well Johnpil thanks for the donation and topic. But before I get to it let me first tell you about today's sponsor Body Transformation Made Simple: Anyways, now back to Johnpil and how to red pill his sixteen to eighteen year old sons. First of all if you think that being a white knight makes men unhappy then why would be you think they would be doing it? Do you really think it's only about the possibility of getting sex from a woman. Helping women as a man means that quite often you get female validation which for most men, myself included, if I'm simping, is more than enough of a reward. Or at least it used to be for me until I realised how and why it works. By white knighting nature is cruel because it makes men feel good for being taken advantage of by women. You get a dopamine rush when you open the door for her and she doesn't even have to open her legs and roll out her red crumpet. Johnpil what you have to do is teach young guys that just because helping women feels good, ie being a simp or male feminist doesn't mean you should do it. It's not that the nice guy doesn't get the girl. He does. He just doesn't get to sleep with her. He just gets her attention and female validation. The thing to remember about red pilling guys when they are younger is that they are far more receptive to it. They want to learn about how the world works and they are curious. They aren't jaded yet but by showing them the difficulties of female nature you are in a way making them jaded if they see things from the MGTOW perspective. At the age of twenty I became red pilled for the first time on how the psychology of advertising manipulates the human mind and turns us into mindless consumers. Up to that point in my life my purpose was to buy as much new stuff as possible and gauge my value
based on how new and expensive my personal possessions were relative to everyone elses.

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Ad Image Credits:

1. Cheerful young couple in love having fun outdoors. Man and woman screaming and fighting for fun. Bride and groom posing for photographer.

2. Collage of upset brides- square banner size

3. Muscular young woman with beautiful body doing exercises with dumbbell. Sporty girl lifting weights in gym.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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Duugus 4 years ago

I'm 57 and normally I agree with most that is said, not this time. Tell your sons about MGTOW way of life and its principles. Have your sons practice short term dating. Then after three weeks dump them. After several women if your sons finds an intelligent woman that is not a drone, then tell that woman she is being used. Women need to be made aware that they are not valuable. Women are pointless until they have earned their value. They think that they are valuable when they are not. The purpose of this is to create a group of women that will wake up before they are thirty with all their eggs dead. The THOT's won't wake up until they are Sharon Stones age. When I met my wife of 33 years, ( deceased Nov 2019 ) , I told her, "If you want to be be with me, then do it. If not, hit the road". One hell of a proposal, yes? I will not be dating until I'm older, maybe 65. Most probably thirty somethings. Yes, I'm an asshole, but they are bitches. I need your sons to do their part, so that I can have a proper set of babes ready to be treated right by me. Women who know their value. Make them earn it, don't let them think they have it just because they are young and beautiful.

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AvyScottAndFlower 5 years ago

Well well well
The video for the day AFTER tomorrow..
We meet again!

(welp, one cannot edit a comment/post memes/emojis here...)

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