
The Terrifying Way Mud Killed Armies - He quotes the people who were there. -- Book Smart.

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gepubliceerd op 23 Jun 2024 / In Film & Animatie

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 9 maanden geleden  

They didn't include Henry the 5th Vs Frog Munching Frenchies...

The Terrifying Way Mud Killed Armies


And how awsome MUD is when your enemy is within range of your arrows, and they are bogged up to their arses in it.

Henry being English, ruler of the universe, and smarter than every other race, picked out a great place to hold the Frenchies to battle, which involved a freshly ploughed field and lots of rain.


How The Longbow Defeated The French At Agincourt Our History - Aided by Mud


Henry V (Henry the 5th life and Victory at Agincourt) - By William Shakespear - Brilliant.


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Councilof1 9 maanden geleden


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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 9 maanden geleden

Yeah - I posted this video - about the art of thinking things through... "While the cannon loom large, the army towing them are bogged up to the axles" The battle of Againcourt was won by Henry the 5th - a small fucked up remains of the English army in France, with just their long bowmen and swords, beat the entire French army - because all their knights on hoseback got bogged in a muddy field..... Slaughetered.. This is not the video I was thinking of, this is more the story of my Bro Henry being very butch and He-man... Henry V Shakespear https://www.mgtow.tv/v/PZxI96 -- I will have to search for the more technical video on it...

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Life_N_Times_of_Shane_T_Hanson 9 maanden geleden

This is it. How The Longbow Defeated The French At Agincourt Our History - Aided by Mud https://www.mgtow.tv/v/tcNWSH

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