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Trophy Wife Hits The Wall - MGTOW

Published on 08 Aug 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Executive Clearance Electrolysis

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mark Star. It's a long request so before I read it let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Executive Clearance Electrolysis: Anyways, now back to the video. Here's what Mark has to say and I quote: "I spent a week with a 45 year old Russian Woman who is a former trophy wife. (2x's divorced) Because I had zero emotional connection, I treated her like an appliance and called her out on 90% of her bs. Then I ditched her at the end of the week. She is still trying to convince me that she can do better and is worth a second chance. She said she was looking for a guy who had his life together and could appreciate a beautiful woman who wanted a real relationship with a woman who wants to cook and clean and have sex every day. I had a meeting with her where she set up to meet me half way between the two cities we were in at the time. She arrives to the hotel 8 hours late even though we were only 2 hours apart. We had an ok time, the best part of which was the sex. I told her that I have a project that I wanted her to do. Seven days of cooking and cleaning in one of my properties and I would compensate her for her work (because the cleaning part is a huge job. I have had 5 houses of stuff jammed into this one house and she was to help me organize and get rid of things) She said that she would never take money for cooking, cleaning and sex, as she does that anyway. If I had some other jobs for her, we could discuss payment for those. Now I should state that on the first day we were together before we discussed the project; She left the hotel room around midnight and ended up calling me on the phone to ask me to come down to meet her at her car to walk her back up to the room because "She didn't want to find her hotel key" I told her that I was in bed, and that I was NOT getting dressed to walk her up because she was too lazy to find her hotel key. She kept calling and texting so I got dressed and left. I texted her the room number when she found the key, but did not remember the room number. She then begged me to come back when she realized I had packed up and left. I told her that if I was going to come back, she would have to get undressed and wait for me on the couch in the suite until I came back and if she was not there as I had instructed, I would just leave again. She did as she was told. That was fun. She agreed to help me for the week to clean. I only had two complaints. One, she would not listen to me when I told her that I didn't want certain things thrown away and the second that she would clean for a while, and cook for a while, and spend time sleeping or on her phone for hours. The sleeping and all kinds of smart-phone time was making it impossible to make reliable progress on the cooking and cleaning. Sometimes it took her 3 hours to make a meal. Also turns out that she was a total alcoholic. After a while she turned to sneak thieving my stash of booze. This chick drained nearly a gallon of Vodka and then segued to a gallon of 40% Tequila. She broke a $2K computer trying to get into the one bar. Every day, she did things to be a chick. She tried to argue with me. She contradicted anything I said. I treated her like someone I didn't care about and she ate it up! She was always telling me stories about how all these guys are after her and trying to get her to marry them (and her phone was in fact blowing up with dudes asking her why she was not with them) Then she said something like "You watch, you will fall in love with me too." I said, "No, I won't.

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ACOLYTE101 4 years ago

LOL. What a story. $3000 shoes, but no phone charger. Such a whore. Good riddance!

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You've been boobedless simp.

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MochaFrost 4 years ago

Man, I could not stop laughing. That's some funny shit!

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ShadowMonk 4 years ago

After all. The wall defeats them all

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