
Marxist male feminist example

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gepubliceerd op 04 Mar 2020 / In Komedie

? maxis male feminist how to behave mama's boy MGTOW Dictionary

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ShadowMonk 5 jaar geleden

So according to CUCKWAUD Pictionary So-called deadbeat dads and single virgins cannot join, But women can?!...Now that’s That’s the pure definition of an infiltrator such as Pictionary right there; Case&Point.

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SpaceJew 5 jaar geleden

What Marxist femisist type thing is he saying exactly... What... He went on a womans podcast... What exactly was Marxist or feminist. Is he using slurs or are you.... Cuz it looks like dead brats in DeNile like juuuu holmes

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SpaceJew 5 jaar geleden

Another dead beat dad speaks out

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KenDelrican 5 jaar geleden

Dear fan thank you for your comments now go fuck your mom.

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SpaceJew 5 jaar geleden

@KenDelrican : another brilliant remark.. How errudite of you lmao

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Wassermann 5 jaar geleden

Mgtow Dictionary is a troll, he is attacking me because I disagreed with his videos of hate and shaming against Hammerhand, after that he started attacking my channel.

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BlackPilledBeltMonkkido 5 jaar geleden

To clear things up on this subject.
Karl Marx = statist
Peter Kropotkin = anarchist

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