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Women Are Out Of Work & It's Funny - MGTOW

Published on 09 Nov 2020 / In People & Blogs

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First 'female recession' threatens decades of progress for US women

xsavannahsolox - Instagram

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by James and he didn't send me a specific topic so I wanted to cover an article called: "First 'female recession' threatens decades of progress for US women" which I've put a link to in the description. I've become a fanboy of Jeff Booth and he says that all human jobs are based on intelligent and that somewhere between five and twenty years from now artificial intelligence will be smarter than all humans. Meaning that in theory we will all be out of a job in the next couple of decades. Of course AI will become progressively smarter and take the lower skilled lower brain power jobs first. This first female pink collar recession caused by the coof which is leading to layoffs to mostly females because they make up the majority of service industry workers will only accelerate as companies replace potentially sick workers with robots and algorithms. Booth seems to think that there will be revolutions as a result of the financial and job disruptions thanks to technology and the collapse of the current inflationary monetary policy. Yes that will happen if it happens quickly but if it happens somewhat slowly enough people will accept the
reality that life sucks and there's nothing they can do about it. Half the men in society have been turned into soy boy manginas and when the cops sneeze on Antifa members they end up crying. My thinking is that wealth inequality can keep going on for a really long time and that robots will protect the rich and replace the jobs of waitresses and mostly female cashiers. That we will be living in a world filled with extreme poverty next to extreme prosperity. I know I've discussed that film Harrison Bergeron where the second American revolution happens in that movie when only fifteen percent of the people have jobs. But that film gives the plebs too much credit for rising up and overthrowing their government. I can easily see asset price inflation continuing and the gap between the haves and have nots continuing to rise. Women have less savings and assets so they will be disproportionately hurt by this. What will they do when I see automation replacing all the teller jobs in most stores in the next few years? I can easily see automation replacing Uber drivers too. Drivers are mostly male positions. Booth says that we are at level 2 and 3 of vehicle autonomy right now. But what happens when we get to level five? Then only five to ten percent of the cars on the road will remain as the majority of people will choose to share cars instead of owning them. But before guys lose what few jobs they do in manufacturing a lot more women will be let go. I'll discuss more in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Lindsay Transmission: Anyways, now back to the video. The article I shared says that the imaginary wage gap between men and women, which is actually an earnings gap will widen by two percent unlike a normal recession where it shrinks. Tens of millions of women may never return to work even with a vacine according to the Center for American Progress. Women also work more in industries like hospitality and tourism which will never be the same. Think of all those flight attendents and hotel cleaning ladies being let go. They say the male jobless rate is lower. Well that's what you get when men are more likely to work with things while women are more likely to work with people. Also women have the burden of child care with so man daycares and schools closed or with limited hours.

11 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Photo Credit For Ad:

1. Excited white male drag queen in yellow boa

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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nexus1961 4 years ago

More importantly (because, anyone who's actually "worked" with a woman, know EXACTLY just how much fucking work they really do) the "Drinks & Dinner" Hos have been free-meal and free-drinkless since March...... & I bet when they ARE allowed back into those places,, they are going to be more voracious than a shark with a tapeworm.

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libertyanyday 4 years ago

annnounce to the IRS of your unearned income.........7 minutes in....... females are too intelligent

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Dutch Cobbler
Dutch Cobbler 4 years ago

How are women out of work? When the US government, one of the biggest makework enablers in the world shut down, women were giving blowjobs for Big Macs. When Venezuela fell to communism, Women with PhDs became the highest educated prostitutes in the world. When Covid shutdowns were imposed, the Twitch/OnlyFans gold rush began, and women (even the fat/old/ugly/smug/hateful women) were making more money than men thanks to men.

No matter what happens, women will always have being a woman to fall back on. When the lights go out men are meat shields and providers, all a woman has to do is lower her expectations by one or two notches to live comfortably.

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