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My Desire For Sex Is Gone After MGTOW

Published on 22 Jun 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Has anyone here basically lost their desire to have sex since going MGTOW?

MGTOW Mystery Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7oVRdNWxGQ

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Roger. He didn't send me a specific topic so I wanted to discuss a Reddit post that I found recently asking the question "Has anyone here basically lost their desire to have sex since going MGTOW?" I've put that link in the description. Here's what someone who's name I can't pronounce properly, let's call him Mr. X has to say and I quote: "I don't value sex at all. I still have a sex drive and occasionally masturbate, but women are the last things on my mind. Even when I'm at women's places for dinner or they are chatting me up, I just don't care enough about their golden V (or buttocks, which is my fetish) to go for it. Usually I end up just paying attention to how little they know about what they are talking about, how little substance they are capable of, and I'm like man I don't see this person as an equal or interesting at all. I occasionally get moments where I'm attracted to a woman, but then I quickly come to my senses and realize how much of a waste of time it is to be around them. What's the deal? Is there some kind of developmental leap to make between, "wow, these people have no value to me" and "ok, I
guess I'll just sleep with them then?" I suppose it would be nice to sleep with women rather than choking my own chachki, but masturbating is so much more convenient, time-saving, cheap, and drama-free. I just see a lot of women as a waste of time. I love women who have a little substance and can actually solve problems, but they are so rare and even then I would probably only sleep with them if they were over at my place making me dinner anyway. Is anyone else like this? This is such a weird question to be asking in what should be my prime." Well Mr. X you're definitely not the only one wondering about what the hell is happening and why your big head has overpowered the little one. After going through the red pill rage stage 2.0 what happened to you pretty much what happened to me. I'll try to dig deeper into this topic in just a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Luminous Let's Play:

10 images licensed and paid for through BigStock.com. All image licenses are available upon request.

Video Motion Graphics Credits:
Particle Wave 4K Motion Background by "Videezy.com"

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enogur5 5 years ago

Its funny last month a girl invited me out,she would pick me up with ''her'' car ,than i asked her where do you service your car she told me its my fathers car,than i told her oh so you just drive it,yes she said,than i told her so why you told me you would pick me up with your car,she didnt respond to that question,what she was trying to do was that she wanted to show how much of an alpha she was while guild tripping me,but in reality there is no such thing as alpha girls they just try to manipulate you,they always have a simp man behind everything they do or they have... they power is man-ipulation nothing more and they do it with sex after that is gone they have no power at all.

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primalis6 5 years ago

pumpin' her guts out till she busts.... may get you snared... be careful

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wroger_wroger 5 years ago

I can't remember the exact question I asked - so I will make up one like it to convey the meaning....

One chick was chasing me and Hmmmmmm....... So I asked her, "Have you ever thought about coming to the local observatory to look at the planets and stars?" (or something similar) AND her answer was, "What would I want to do that for?" - It was a test type question to figure out, not her lack of personality and brains, but the absence of personality and brains.....

You know - I'd rather be building boats from timber, than dealing with some useless cunt of a woman....

Most women are incapable of picking up the loose threads in simple conversation starters, like "Hey how was the nice bit of rain the other day, did you get much where you live?"

Most of them are too dense and too stupid to make a go of this, in the real world or online.....

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TrevorWest 5 years ago

When you understand women, the old desires pretty much fade away; it just isn't the same. My sex drive stopped for 2 months from the moment I understood; it returned but was lacking the old pleasures, truth does that. When the oxytocin ran out about 9 months later I had a crazy time in search of female validation and chasing sex, but on receiving that hormone hit and with a refocus on what mattered it stabilised. Now I use sex or sexual release hormone hits in ways that serve my interests and goals rather than be recklessly used/ led by them.

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RoboCat 5 years ago

I can sort of relate. I was already MGTOW for years but I had this hope, buried deep down inside that the system would change or I would get lucky and find a NAWALT. It wasn't until that hope was completely extinguished that I began to suffer profound loneliness and despair. It felt like a part of me was slowly dying/slowly drowning. Eventually that pain disappeared.

When it disappeared, it made me look at women completely different, their constant/insincere appeals to men now come off as desperate and repugnant to the extreme. It's like the guy told Sandman, talking to women just stresses me out and when sex is no longer useful leverage against you, this puts women as TFM alludes to; Giant, annoying, irresponsible, obnoxious children with the power of government and cucks at her beck and call. Fuck that nonsense.

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