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I Used To Love Bitches. Now I Just Understand THEM - MGTOW

Published on 05 Dec 2020 / In People & Blogs

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Hi Everyone Sandman Here,

This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous and he didn't give me a specific topic so what I'd like to do is read a comment someone named SDG wrote on my channel and I quote "Greetings Sandman, I used to love women; now I just understand THEM. I truly wish all of them the very best but I am pretty much OUT of this human “Mouse Utopia Experiment.” If things get really bad, I am will do the Socratic thing of offing myself or becoming an a Gypsy! No love lost...after close to 40 yrs. Working with them, chasing them for intimacy of some sort, living and even marrying one of them...I am all better for it because I know what it ALL amounts to- everything is almost always at OUR EXPENSE!!! Mainly, the expense on a guy’s creativity and productivity is terribly harsh and NOT WORTH for me all the cooch in the world! Henceforth, my mantra is as follows: don’t marry em, don’t preggers em, and Definitley...don’t cohabitate with them... stay civil don’t debate facts or discuss ideas with them...act like your dumb as shit! I do acting like a fake orbiter, without giving them an iota of your resources (time, energy and money). In my view, the most creative thing for a sane man to do in times like this? Wish them the best and stay on your course and purpose...prepare for the worse!!! If they question, shame or blame...act like a dumb, space cadet...act like you sincerely know nothing...and plead the 5th and keep a real social distance 6 ft is good about 5 miles the very least is much better! P.S. A sane man doesn’t play the game of the status-quo! I am making plans to leave the states when hit my 60s!" Well S.D.G thanks for posting your comments on my channel and thank you Mr. Anonymous for the donation. SDG You might think you're not giving women your time, energy and money but you are. Because time is money and if you're a fake orbiter to a woman that takes energy. You're doing exactly what they want which is giving them attention even if you attention is fake and not genuine. You're cognitive dissonance amazes me. How a man can think he's starving a woman of what she wants but is actually giving it to her without even knowing it. That's what I read from your comments and that's why I just had to respond. However that part about where you say essentially that it's smart to play dumb around women is a winning strategy. Before I say more let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor David Konkel: Anyways, now back to the clown world show. One of the most important things you said SDG is not to debate with women. Because when you debate with crazy she will make you crazy. Ask yourself this question: Is she pretending like she
doesn't know what you're talking about to gas light you and get pleasure from that act? Or is she fighting your point even though she agrees with it because she's not getting any attention in her life and the negative attention and frustration she's getting from you is more satisfying than nothing at all?

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Duugus 4 years ago

Its a balance. Give very little by playing dumb and reap whatever the purpose you are with her, from her. To get oil out of the ground you do need to drop pipe and use some energy to get the oil out.

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BigBrianUK 4 years ago

I was subscribed to The Quartering, now You Tube has banned my channel, even though I've ever released any content. By banining subscribers, You Tube can ensure channels it doesn't like, never reac 1 million subscribers!

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Duugus 4 years ago

Eventually the only channels on YT will be those that are approved. Leave now and make that happen. As traffic gets larger on other sites, it will become lucrative to be elsewhere.

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DYNOMITE 4 years ago

Those asshats at yt banned my "channel" as well. There new TOS makes them capable or banning people based off of comments they leave. Once you leave a like or comment yt states you create a channel. So fuck them

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DYNOMITE 4 years ago

Those asshats at yt banned my "channel" as well. There new TOS makes them capable or banning people based off of comments they leave. Once you leave a like or comment yt states you create a channel. So fuck them

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Think or Die
Think or Die 4 years ago

This tells me that "she" is property of the State. Consider creating animation videos.

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ancientsea 4 years ago

If you, me, and the other guy walk away, it is no matter to the female. Take comfort in the knowledge that there are 9 other guys standing there ready to fill her Vagina with hot-seed. the outcomes are their problem, the process of life goes on....find a way, in this time, find a way to the GOD who sent the ''Jesus''.

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