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◀| Fireside Chat Ep. 7 - We Hunted The Mammoth Attempted to Doxxed Me | Channels | Main |►

Published on 15 Dec 2020 / In Other

????: mgtow.tv/@Robokitty
??????: mgtow.tv/@Robokitty
?????: mgow.tv/@Robokitty
???: mgtow.tv/@Robokitty
???: mgtow.tv/@Robokitty
▼?????? ?????
????: themetwallynetwork.com/Robokitty
???????: anchor.fm/eric-hughes-robillard0
????????: robokittydotcom.wordpress.com

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AMNAT 4 years ago

I just read your exchange on wehuntedthemmammoth and I'm just glad their commenters weren't as out for your blood as they could have been. They pointed out that you publicly posted your own address on your website AND MGTOW.tv channel. Never list your address ANYWHERE on the internet, ESPECIALLY if you're into politics. Even at your age I knew that's always a bad idea after seeing what happens to people when they dox themselves. And trust me: becoming an adult doesn't suddenly make you invulnerable. Remove your address from your website and anywhere else you've posted it before REALLY bad people like Antifa stalk you to murder you. You've probably noticed by now I never even show my face because I don't want anyone recognizing me, because I am well-aware telling the truth in politics will get you people who want to hurt you in real life.

There's no point in attempting to reason with feminazis like Dave Futrelle, RationalWiki, r/GenderCritical, r/TheBluePill, LipstickAlley, etc. because they are NOT interested in seeing or hearing opposing viewpoints. All they want is everyone to be subservient to their agenda. They do not even tolerate opinions from other people on the left whose opinions are even slightly different from them, so why would you expect them to tolerate any voice from the Manosphere?

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Robokitty 4 years ago

Yes, I remember seeing you on RW back when you were Ambition Of Truth, I don’t hate RW cause it is a great wiki but as for r/GenderCritical; isn’t that banned?

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Robokitty 4 years ago

Yes, I remember seeing you on RW back when you were Ambition Of Truth, I don’t hate RW cause it is a great wiki but as for r/GenderCritical; isn’t that banned?

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AMNAT 4 years ago

@Robokitty: r/GenderCritical got banned, but r/FemaleDatingStrategy is still there which is even more female supremacist, if you can fathom that. RationalWIki is good for debunking the Christian Blight and Neo-Nazis, but take their stuff on MRA's and MGTOW with a grain of salt. This article of theirs is just one example of them admitting they want female supremacy https://rationalwiki.org/w/ind....ex.php?title=Egalita

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