❤❤❤❤❤❤Hero mode❤❤❤❤❤❤
Published on 20 Feb 2021 / In
Film & Animation
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Awesome music.....
I denounce the jews, because it's a bullshit hate cult......
Not because I actually hate the people....
To cheat and copy paste......
"The Jews" - they are not magical special people - they are just shit bag monkeys - just like the rest of us.
It's just a 3100 year old cult.
Althought the internet has kind of ruined the longer attention spans amongst us, follow this slowly and meticiulously - as it covers ALL of the major hit points on how all this religious crap came about. It's done in a way, so as to produce a fact based case, and it's done in a way, so as to provide the necessary information, for those who have never explored the issues, without being excessively long.