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🔴 MAGA: T-Minus Three Days | Everything We Want President Trump to do on Day One

Published on 17 Jan 2025 / In News & Politics


Comedian Bill Burr made wild comments on Jimmy Kimmel this week regarding California fires, it’s time to close for Biden administration Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, the Israeli government is set to approve a ceasefire in the Gaza war today, we put together our dream list of what President Donald Trump should do on day one, and more!

GUEST: Josh Firestine


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Toki 1 month ago

While Crowder provides sons to be sacrificied in their wars as an excess male.
Here's an idea Crowder. Gov including Trump steals all the money from the poor who donate to streamers also. That's why they are poor after all. Ignorance. Now if the Gov wasn't stealing from them then you could get more donations. So why do you support a king who taxes your audience to rent porn stars for an evening then gets MeToo'ed for it? Your audience has to pay that MeToo lawsuit as well in taxes. Your son is or will have to pay taxes so Trump can fund his own prostitute harem and feminist daughter CEO. His daughter makes me think of your scam artist ex-wife. Pampered and spoiled. Too many superior rights over men. Trump will not fix this. Because he's a huge simp also. Rich men are always simps. They need a ton of money to get laid unlike the masculine working men who get laid for free by your ex-wife Crowder.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

UHM. Taxes did not pay for Trump's porn star or his pay-off to shut her up, which she violated and now has to pay Trump back. That money paid was Trump's money or donations to his compaign: It was not taxes that paid her; plus, while Trump was president he never took a paycheck. All his "wages" went to charities. Media lies: Trust nothing, verify everything.

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Toki 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: So who did pay for it? Someone like Trump does not work anywhere or produce wealth for thyself. Neither does Biden or Kamala. Wait it came from cuck donations? Is Trump a Fortnite streamer now? Donations? PewDiePie and Ninja the unemployed billionaires need donations from poors. Charities are scams. Money-laundering. Just saying I would had more faith in him if he was single 100% and celibate. He can't be trusted because demons have their claws in his flesh. Who's paying for that? Damn right it's taxes and worker's wages. Male worker's wages then you all complain that men aren't producing children with Trump's ex-prostitutes. The Harem King. We need a procel as SocialMediaChaos says. That's why anime protags are Good-natured. They don't care about sex with demons.

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Toki 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: Suits are liars also. I only trust working men who have legitimate labor employment because they are the real adults.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@Toki: bruh! First off, Trump did work. He built buildings and renovated buildings. He made his kids go out and work a blue shirt job. Don Jr. worked in the construction business. Second, you got a hatred of rich people: That is something only you can fix. Yeah, most rich (Jews especially) are dicks and many crinimals and pedophiles. Apparently, kiddie ass is the new forbidden fruit. Third, I like you. You got good taste in anime and waifu, but your hatred is pulling you down. Understand this: They want you to hate first, because you'll sin more and be pulled diwn to Hell. Demons are real: I fought ghem in death and in life. Second part, if you allow that hatred to control you, you played yourself into their hands, the puppet masters. You are better than that. We are made in the Image of God (El Elohim) because We are of The Gods: They admire our potential and rejoice in our (spiritual) successes. We are of Them (The God El Elohim of Israel and His Wife Ashereh the Tree of Life and Himself in Cosplay Yoshua Kristos (Christ)) via our Souls, pieces of Them, and that thing that allows us to perceive time unlike all the other Earthen animals. Accept it: Move past it. Transcend it; and succeed and rejoice with The True Gods.

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Toki 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: It's not hatred it's perception of reality. Are you saying Trump was on the construction job site running a power saw? Along with Steve the average working guy who is trying to pay off his mortgage? His kids worked? He gifted the daughter a clothing business. Probably using foreign labor. The simping also. He has to pay them. Steve might be able to get it for free if he's a construction working body Chad. But if he does the police may punish him. Will Trump fix that? No. Also he is Jewish apparently.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@Toki: I know Donny Trump JR. was: Trump the Donald might have as well. I mean he has those values.

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Toki 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: Do you believe AML/AMR the guy on this site is trolling or not? That's the real mystery lol. Because apparently he knows what I'm talking about. I like AML because he's a man who provides a real service in the food truck business. That's a real productive contribution to the species. A businessman or president is not. Similar to HammerH being a retired trucker who did his part in the economy. I have been my entire life since I was 16 with real jobs. Getting robbed by businessmen and presidents so they can rent a girlfriend for a night and cocaine. This is what makes a real MGTOW. That's why I'm saying. We are doomed to fail if more men check out because why contribute to a corrupt system of being forced against your will to fund simping for porn stars in the form of investor gains/tax revenue? Because that's what businessmen do. They simp. That's why they have all that wealth in the first place. Specifically to simp like a peacock showing off a fancy coat for sex. The business suit. I'm more a lone wolf male know what I'm saying?

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@Toki: AMR. Amar. He was not Presidrntvwhen he fucked Stormy Daniels! Tax payer money was not used. You need to get over that and accept the truth. What the man does with his own money save raping kids is is own business. Wven that money paid to Stormy Daniels, which the lawyer stole yet he got no punushment, was from donations not tax mobey. Stop bring s fucking bitch. Look it up yourself ifnore the CIA controlled lying Lame Stream media. Stop believing their lies: You are playing yourself.

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Toki 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: I'm not believing lies because he admitted it. He simped for a porn star. That's all I need to know. Pathetic beta male in a business suit. Also consider that all the businesses he owns has men working there paying taxes to him for no damn reason. In the form of investor/CEO income = more unjust selfish taxation of the working men who feed his fatass and provide him with everything like a child. He couldn't even change a spare tire my man. I don't idolize humans, but I respect the average working man more than anyone. The true leaders of society who get no credit.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@Toki: so, paying a whore or escort for her services is simping now?!

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Toki 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: Absolutely. You're giving them free money for nothing. Women deserve nothing. They can go work full time and pay to support themselves 100%. If you want sex that badly just rape the bitches. Or mature into a higher being that doesn't need animal behavior to satisfy thy needs. It's 2025 now and we have so many alternatives. Similar to how you can buy toilet paper instead of using leaves to wipe. Women are obsolete. They are all whores also so you can't find a pure maiden for marriage. It's impossible. Satan created them after all.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@Toki: Funny. I always thought of whores the prostitution as a honest profession, for women anyways. I consider the paying them bit as paying them to leave...Lol. Marriage and dating especially foodies, those are the scams. I gave up sex over a decade ago.. I haven't been back...

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Toki 1 month ago

@WMHarrison94: It is more honest for certain. But why do males pay females when men usually do all the work in the bedroom? Is it not enjoyable for females as well? They have orgasms also. At least you have retired from sex. That's the important part. I'm almost a Sage according to Interspecies Reviewers logic.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

@Toki: The fishy smell, the HORMONES of the GODS, the whore moans, and biology pushes men to rent the little hole er whore as what do they say now "a masturbatory tool." Yeah, only a bitch can view men, dogs, and horses that way... Still that drive and social pressures break most men, many now I considered likely were molested as boys.

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Toki 30 days ago

@WMHarrison94: Yeah I don't trust cocaine addicts or drunks who can't control their addiction problems. But it's socially acceptable to be addicted to vagina I guess? No man. They are simps destroying the economy by enabling women. Destroying men's hobbies also.

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WMHarrison94 1 month ago

It would be cool if they played like one of their parody music videos during the timer countdown..

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